~Chapter Fifty~

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Soon, the need for air pulled us apart. Henry was looking at me, with complete and utter passion.

"Henry... I don't know if I feel the same way... All these feelings... I..."

"It's fine. Take your time. I will wait for your answer." Henry said, while smiling.

I ended up smiling as well.

"So, shall we go on our walk?" Henry asked.


Henry kept the door open for me, as Kyra and I walked out.

"Thank you." I said.

"Anytime, (y/n)." Henry said, while walking out after me, and closing the front door.

As we were walking down the long driveway, we noticed a blonde running towards us. I squinted my eyes, to see who it was. Turns out that it was Lyle.

"Henry, let's wait." I told Henry, while stopping.


About a minute later, Lyle was right in front of us, panting heavily. His normal energetic look was replaced with an exhausted teenager.

"Lyle, did you run all the way home?" I asked, completely worried.

"... Yes..." Lyle was barely able to say.

"You poor thing! Henry, can you help me take Lyle inside?" I asked, while supporting Lyle's left side.

"Sure." Henry said, before supporting Lyle's right side.

We then worked together, to bring Lyle inside, on the couch.

Luckily, Kyra didn't run away. In fact, she helped us; by keeping the door open for us. What a sweet dog she is.

Once Lyle was on the couch, Lyle started to try to lead me to the door.

"Kyra, I know that you want to go on a walk, but I need to watch over Lyle." I said, while petting Kyra.

"If you want, I can take Kyra on a walk." Henry offered.

"Really? Thanks! I'd really appreciate it." I said, while giving Henry Kyra's leash.

"You're welcome. Be back in a bit." Henry said, before leaving with an energetic pup.

I then turned my attention to Lyle.

"How're you doing? Need anything? Water?" I asked, mother hen taking over.

"... I'm doing okay... Sure... Water would be great..." Lyle managed to say.

"On it! I said, before leaving, to get Lyle some water.

In the kitchen, I found Hunter cooking (Meal you like).

"Hey, Hunter." I said.

"Hello. Need something? Dinner won't be ready for another hour or so." Hunter said.

"Yes, actually. I need a large glass of water for Lyle." I explained.

"Okay." Hunter said, before reaching in one of the cabinets for a LARGE glass of water.

Hunter then poured some water into the glass, and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said, before leaving.

In the living area, I found Lyle fast asleep. I smiled at Lyle's cute sleeping form.

Wait, cute?! Why do I keep finding all my brothers so attractive?

I then put the glass of water on the coffee table.

"So, the little runt actually decided to show up."

I turned, to see Cameron.

"Oh, it's just you." I said, before sighing in relief.

"Yeah. Do you know where Henry went? He was supposed to help bring in the rest of the groceries." Cameron asked.

"He went to go on a walk with Kyra."

"I see."

"I can help you bring in the rest of the groceries, if you want." I offered.

"No thanks, I'm good." Cameron said.

"If you say so."

Cameron then walked out the front door; probably to get the rest of the groceries.

Now, what should I be doing? More importantly, what do I want to do that I can do?

Well, I haven't taken a nap in a long time. What better way to spend an hour like napping it away?

So, I walked to my room, laid down, and was soon fast asleep. 

I can't believe it! We have reached chapter fifty. When I first started this story, I didn't think I'd get this far. But I have! And I'm so glad for it too! I absolutely love writing this story! But, enough about me, I want to thank all of you (Yes you! The one reading this right now) I must thank you for staying with me this far. I truly do appreciate it. Now that I have given my thanks, I must ask a few simple questions; just to help with my writing in the future. 

1-Are you enjoying the plot-line so far? Are there any changes that you would change, if possible?

2-Is my writing style easy to read, and also enjoyable to read? Can you understand everything that I'm trying to convey to you, with little to no confusion? 

3-Do the characters seem unique? Like, do they seem like their own individual characters; not the same character?

4-Do you feel like there's an equal amount of time spent with each brother? I've tried to make it equal, but sometimes it's hard to tell, when you're the author. 

And, my final question... 

5-Who's your favorite brother, and why? What about them makes them your favorite? 

Thanks to everyone who answers these questions. It will help immensely for the future. 

I'm not sure how long this story will go. I have a vague idea about how I want to end this story. I know there will be several endings, good and bad, I'm just not sure how to get there yet. So, if you have any ideas, feel free to share them. I just know that I plan to keep this story going for a while, since I have so many ideas that I want to incorporate into this story. 

That's all for this tiny author's note. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora