~Chapter Sixty-Eight~

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I have no words that I can say to this; I'm just too shocked. The only word I can use to describe these 'people' is the word 'yandere.' It describes them perfectly. The way they'll do anything to get their loved one's attention (me), it's just... Amazing, yet scary. Very scary. Especially after all that they'd done to me, my friends, and my life. In fact, I don't know what I should do. I don't know how I should respond to this. Although on the outside I look calm, I feel ready to crack. Just what should I do?

A: Freak Out

B: Get Rid of My Brothers

C: Call Shinto

D: Act Like Everything's Just Fine

~Option A~

I can't stand this! They've done so much... With people like this in this world, am I even safe?

There's only one chance I have to escape; to die.

I stood up, catching the attention of all my brothers.

"Are you okay?" Lyle asked.

"Y-Yeah... I just need to get a drink." I said.

They all mumbled an 'okay.'

I then walked into the kitchen, and quickly searched for a knife, or any weapon for that matter.

Soon, I found it; a sharp kitchen knife. This will have to do.

I then heard a lot of footsteps quickly walking in. So, I swiftly inserted the knife into my heart, before falling to the ground.

"(y/n)!" All my brothers shouted.

Finally... I'll be free from all the pain and suffering...

... I'll finally be happy...

~Option B~

If I want to be free, I need to get rid of my brothers. I should probably start with Lyle, since he's the weakest.

"Are you okay?" Lyle asked.

"Yes... Can we go talk... Alone... In the kitchen?" I asked.

"Sure!" Lyle exclaimed, before going to the kitchen.

Before I entered, I could see all my four other brothers glaring; eyes full of jealously.

"So, what'd you want to talk about?" Lyle asked.

"Well, I feel like if we are going to be a thing, we need to get rid of your competition." I whispered.

"Ooh, I like where this is going. What do you have in mind?" Lyle asked.

"A stab in the back." I said, starting to sound a bit dark.

"I know just the thing!" Lyle said, before pulling out a katana.

"Why is there..." My question trailed off.

"Never know when you may need a katana." Lyle said.

"I see." I said.

"There should be another one somewhere. Here, mind holding this for me?" L yle asked, while trying to hand me the katana.

"Sure." I said, before taking the katana.

Lyle then turned his back to me, while trying to search for the other katana... Perfect.

I then quickly walked up to Lyle, and stabbed the katana right through his body.

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz