~Chapter Four~

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Ow, my neck. It feels so stiff. Wait, why is it...? As I sat up, I realized that I was sitting at my table. Did I fall asleep while filling out the papers?

I decided to look at phone, to see what time it was. It was six-thirty-am. I remember that on the way back from shopping with Emily that school starts at eight-forty-five-am. And, to get there on time, we leave at seven-fifty-am, so, we can get everything settled, on our first day at school. Once we're settled, we'll start heading out at eight-fifteen am. So, I have over an hour to get ready. Might as well try to make a good impression.

First, I had to get showered. But, since I had a lot to do, I had to make my shower quick.

After my shower, I blow-dried my hair. I then took out my first uniform, and, looked at it. It was a navy blue sleeveless top, with a grey button up jacket. I buttoned it up two-thirds of the way. The outfit also included a navy-blue skirt, that's way too short. Grey knee-high socks went on my legs. And, navy-blue flats went on my feet.

Now that I'm dressed, I need to put on some make-up, because, why not? And, then, I need to do my nails, brush my teeth, curl my hair, and, accessorize with some jewelry.

So, I started with some light amount of make-up. I put on some foundation, and, eyeliner. That's it. Next, I put on some navy-blue nail polish. It was a real pain to wait for the paint to dry...

Okay, it's time for the hard part. Curling my hair. I decided to just do some simple curls. Nothing too fancy, because, I'm sure I'd fail, miserably.

My hair looks amazing! And, now, I just need some jewelry. I searched through my jewelry box, and, looked for the perfect thing to wear, on my first day. And, soon, I found it. Matching silver pearl earrings, bracelet, and, necklace.

When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked, at my reflection. I looked so beautiful. At least I know I'll make a good impression.

I then grabbed my bag, and, put everything that I needed in the bag. It was so heavy! After grabbing my phone, and, earbuds, I put them in my bag. Then, I exited my bedroom.

After walking down the hall, I headed to the kitchen. Hm... What should I eat? What is there to eat? I looked through the cabinets, and, eventually found everything I needed, to make pancakes. So, why not make pancakes? I do have forty minutes to make the pancakes. Well, let's get cooking!

After a while, I saw Cameron come in. He was dressed in his school uniform. It consisted of a grey t-shirt, with a blue tie, jeans, and, fancy grey shoes. I must say, Cameron looks nice. I bet he's going to make some girl fall for him today. 

"Hey, Cameron!" I said, before turning back to the pancakes.

"Oh, you made pancakes?"

"Yeah. Some of them are already done. You want some?"


I put three pancakes on a plate, and, handed it to Cameron.


Cameron then headed to what I assumed was the dining room. Does he eat his pancakes plain? My question was answered, when Cameron came back, and, took some syrup into the dining room.

The next one to emerge was Henry. He was wearing the same thing as Cameron.

"Oh, (y/n), you're so sweet to make pancakes for us."

"Thanks!" I said, before smiling.

"Are any done?"

"Yeah, that plate over there." I said, before pointing to a plate of about twenty pancakes.

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now