~Chapter Fourteen~

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On the way to the restaurant, we talked about random things like my interests, his interests, etc.

"There, the restaurant is on our left."

"Okay... That's a restaurant!?!"

It was almost as large as our house. How can a restaurant afford this!?

"Shall we head in?"

As I looked around, I noticed that Henry had already parked, while I was in awe.

"Oh, sure."

Before I could open the door, Henry opened it for me.


"My pleasure."

We then headed inside.

The inside was very fancy. Yet, it was a buffet. How interesting...

"The restaurant tries to please both the wealthy, and, the ones who like less formal."

"I see."

"Table for two?" A waiter said.


"Then, allow me to lead the happy couple to their seats."

Before I could explain that we weren't a couple, we were being led to a table. Once we sat down, the waiter took our drink requests.

"So, shall we go get our food."


Henry and I stood up, and, headed to the MANY different choices.

"There's so many options! How will I be able to choose?!"

"Not my problem."

"Well, what do you normally get?"

"Something different every time."

"Oh... Well... I think I'll get... (Favorite Food from Another Country)."

"That's a good choice."

So, I got that food, along with a lot of other things.

Henry went for the tropical fruit theme.

We then went, and, sat down. Our drinks had already come.

"Well, here goes nothing..." I said, before trying the food.

"How is it?"


"I'm glad."

"So... What's it like to have a twin? I sometimes wish that I had a twin."

"Well, he's very mysterious... In a bad way."


"Sometimes, I can't tell whether or not he's actually kidding, when he says he's going to kill me."

"I'm sure he wouldn't. After all, he is your brother."

"Guess you're right."

After we finished our meal, we put some in a (LARGE!) container, to save for later. Henry paid for the food, and, we headed out to the car.

Once inside, Henry started the car.

"Thanks for tonight. I had fun."

"Oh, but, we aren't done yet."

"We aren't?"

"Nope. I have one last place I want to show you." Henry said, before driving off.

When we arrived, I saw the entrance to a forest.

"Why are...?"

"Come on, follow me."

I reluctantly got out of the car, and, together, we headed into the forest.

After a while of walking, we arrived at an opening in the forest.

In the center of the clearing, was a crystal-clear lake. The way the moon illuminated off of the surface... It was stunning.

"I thought you'd like to see this."

"It is beautiful. Thanks for bringing me here."

"You're welcome."

"Want to go sit by the water?"


Though, as I took a step, my foot slipped, and, I started to fall.

As I fell, Henry grabbed me. But, we ended up falling, together. And, when we landed... Henry was on top of me... With his lips on mine.

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now