~Chapter Thirty-Six~

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My eyes fluttered open, as I recognized that I was back in my room. Seems like Damien kept his word.

What time is it?

I picked up my phone, to see that it was only 8:30 am.

No! I want more sleep!

What confused me was when I saw a text from a number that I didn't recognize.

Text: Hey, this is Hunter.

I looked at the text in confusion. I know I had his number, but, I never texted him. So, how did Hunter get my number? Did he ask one of our brothers for my number?

That seems like the only explanation.

I texted back, then, changed the contact to say that it was Hunter.

After conquering the struggle to sit up, and, get out of bed, I did my morning routine, getting completely ready for the day.

I ended up getting dressed in a random t-shirt, and shorts.

I then exited my room, and, headed to the front room. I'd rather watch TV first, and, eat breakfast later.

There, I believe that I've had my daily dose of TV. Now, I can go get some breakfast.

When I entered the kitchen, I found some (breakfast that can be cold) on a (plate/bowl) with a note next to it.

I decided to read the note. The handwriting was a bit messy, but, I could make it out.

Hey, (y/n)! Hope you like this breakfast! I made it just for you. So, don't share it! Anyway, I'm going back to bed, because, I need sleep. Enjoy-Lyle =^-^= P.S-want to play video games later?

Aw, Lyle's so sweet. He didn't have to do that for me, yet, he did.

I ate my breakfast, and, cleaned the dishes. After doing so, I decided to check in on my brothers. They were all asleep. Though, what can I expect from teenage boys?

Nothing, that's what!

I then remembered Shinto, and, thought about asking him if he'd like to hang out.
Though, I stopped, when I remembered what Henry had said; about how Shinto probably had hired those guys to terrorize us.

But, why?

Just as a prank, to see me scared? Well, I don't find that hilarious.

Not one bit.

So, what to do then?

Maybe I should go out for a walk?

Sure, why not?

I quickly put a note on the fridge, so, my brothers would know where I would be, in case they woke up before I got back.

Then, I put on some flip flops, and, headed outside.

Now, should I go left? Or right? Maybe forwards?

Nah, let's go left!

As I walked left, I started to get lost in thought.

That is, until...

"Watch out!"

My mind snapped back into reality, to see that I had almost walked into the busy street.

Two hands had pulled me back.

"Miss? Are you okay?"

I turned around, to face someone I didn't recognize.

He was a male that looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The male had short brown hair, with brown eyes. He had fair skin, which covered his thin, tall body. Probably about a foot taller than me.

The male was wearing a green long sleeve shirt, jeans, and, black sneakers.

"Miss? Are you okay?" The male said, voice full of worry.

"Yes, I am."

The male sighed in relief.

"Good. Glad to hear that. I'm Aaron. High school student Junior."

"(y/n), high school student. Sophomore."

"That's probably why I haven't seen you before."


"now that introductions are out of the way... What were you thinking!? Walking into the street like that!?"

My head dropped.

"I wasn't thinking at all..."

"I see. Well, do you need anything?" Aaron asked.

"No. I'm good. Anything I can do, to repay you for helping me?"

"Sure. All I ask is that you go on a walk with me." Aaron said.

"Okay. But, know that I'll keep my phone ready, to call one of my five brothers, if you try anything." I said, while pulling out my phone.

"You really think I'd try to kidnap you?" Aaron asked, sounding offended.

"Well, I barely know you."

"Fair enough."

Aaron and I then crossed the street.

I was very cautious, when we started walking, in a direction I didn't recognize.

Soon, we were out of society's reach

We were all alone, in a beautiful meadow.

"This is so beautiful."

"Yeah." Aaron said, before pulling out his phone, and, taking pictures.

"I just love nature so much. It's so gorgeous."

"True. But, I prefer to stay inside."

"That's perfectly fine. Well, thanks for taking this walk with me. You can go back home now."

"But... I don't know how. I just moved her a few weeks ago."

"Oh, well, I can-" Aaron was cut off, by his phone ringing.

Aaron answered the phone.

"Yes. I'm out. But, I need to... Fine..."

The call ended.

Aaron turned to me.

"I'm sorry, but, I can't walk you home."

"Why not!?" I asked, a bit scared.

"My family's ordering that I get home as soon as possible."


"I'm sorry, (y/n)!" Aaron said, before running off.

Soon, he was out of my sight.

Now, I'm all alone.

As I got out my phone, to call any of my brothers, I felt hands grab mine.

"Hey! Let me-"

Before I could scream anything else, I felt a gag going over my mouth.

No... I can't... Won't...

... Help me...

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now