~Chapter Ten~

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I yawned, as I opened my eyes. I got confused, as I noticed that I wasn't in my room.

As I tried to move, I realized that I couldn't.


I then saw why.

I was in Damien's arms.

Did I fall asleep on Damien?

Or... Did he fall asleep on me?

I can't really remember.

I looked at the nearby clock, to see that it was six-ten-am. No! I want to sleep more!

Though, try as I might, I wasn't able to fall asleep.

Sighing to myself, I realized that I was stuck. I guess the only thing to do is wake up Damien, so, I can get ready.

"Damien, wake up!" I whisper-shouted.

Damien's eyes opened.

He looked around.

When his eyes turned to me, he smirked.

"Hello, beautiful."

"Hey. Can you let me go?"

"Sure, love." Damien said, before letting me go.

It was then that I noticed that he was the thing that was keeping me warm.

I shivered.



"Need a hug?"

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer."

"Anytime. Well, I better go get ready."

"We don't leave for over an hour."

"I know. But, I have a lot of things to do."

And, with that, Damien stood up, and, left.

Well, might as well get ready as well...

There, I've done everything I need to do.

Today's outfit consisted of a turquoise shirt, with a pink bow in the front, a pink skirt, and, turquoise flats.

I'm sure glad that I don't have to wear heels...

I like the outfit, except... The short skirt!

I styled my hair in waves, today. I think it compliments my outfit nicely.

Might as well get breakfast. After all, I don't want to start the day off hungry.

I headed to the kitchen, to see Hunter, cooking (Favorite breakfast).

"Hey, Hunter."


I see that he's as quiet as ever.

"I thought Damien and I were the only ones up."

"No. I'm not normally up this early."

"Then, why are you up this early?"

"To make breakfast. For you."

"That's so sweet. But, why?"

"To repay for yesterday's breakfast."

"You didn't need to do that. But, I appreciate it."

Hunter nodded, before taking a (Plate/Bowl) of (Favorite Breakfast), into the dining hall.

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now