~Chapter Twenty-Four~

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Lyle and I went on every ride possible, before the two hours were up. We each learned that we love fun, and, hate waiting.

When the two hours were up, we headed to the front.

The only one there was Henry. Maybe the others wanted to wait for their turn...?

"Well, seems like you're next, Henry." I said, while walking up to him. 

"Yes, seems like it." Henry said, while nodding. 

"See you later, sis!" Lyle said, before running off.

Does he ever get tired?!

"So, Henry, what do you want to do?"

"Well, I noticed that you haven't eaten lunch, and, it's almost noon. I'm guessing that you're hungry."

"Now that I think about it, I am pretty hungry. Know any good food areas in this place?" I asked. 

"Oh, I know plenty. Just depends on what you're in the mood for."

"This might sound really childish, but, I want cotton candy."

"Don't worry, that's not childish at all."

Henry then led me to a cotton candy stand.

"What flavor?" 

"(Favorite Flavor), please."

The man at the stand nodded, before getting the cotton candy on the stick.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." Henry said, before paying, and, taking the cotton candy from the man.

"Have a good day!" I said, trying to be polite. 

"You too!" The man said back to me, with a smile. 

Henry then led me to a bench.

"Here." Henry said, while handing me the cotton candy.

"What about you?" I asked. 

"I'll be fine. Ate a smoothie a while ago."

"I see."

I then took a bite.

After that... It didn't take long for me to devour the whole thing.

I bet I looked like a child.

A disgusting child.

"So, what now?" Henry asked. 

"Well, we could go do some activities." 


Henry and I walked around.

While walking around, we found a tattoo artist.

The woman insisted we get a tattoo. And, how could I say no to getting (Tattoo) on my hand?

Henry ended up getting a well-drawn vampire bat on his arm.

After paying, we decided to go inside, and, get a real meal.

"You up for some (Seafood/Mexican/Etc.)?" Henry asked. 


We were then seated.

Funny, how it seems like yesterday Henry and I were at a restaurant, eating.

...That was before my first kiss...

"(y/n), you okay? Your face is red."

"Yeah, I'm fine."


Our food then came.

And, like every other food here, the food was delicious.

Henry was so kind as to pay. Probably since I'm broke...

"Well, it seems like we have about an hour left. Any last thing you want to do with your favorite brother?"

"Yes. And, you're not my favorite. I don't have a favorite."

"What is it? And, we'll see..."

What does he mean by that?

Probably doesn't matter.

"Well, I'd love to get some souvenirs of this great day."

"Then, let's go buy some merchandise."

So, for the next hour, we just went to store after store, buying useless thing after another.

It was a lot of fun.

Afterwards, we headed to the front of the amusement park.

Awaiting me, was Hunter.

"Guessing Cameron wanted to be last?" I asked. 

Hunter nodded.

"Well, I'll see you later, (y/n)." Henry said, before leaving.

I turned to Hunter.

"So, what does my brother want to do with his favorite sister? Well, I guess I'm your only sister. But, still..."

"I thought we could go watch some of the performances here..."

"They have plays and shows here!?"


I'm quite shocked.

"Well, what do you want to go watch then?"

"Follow me."

Hunter then (Gently) grabbed my hand, and, (gently) led me to where I guess would be where the plays were being held.

When we arrived, I saw a gigantic stage.

We sat in the back, where no one was.

"So, when does it start?" I asked. 

"Two minutes." Hunter responded. 

"Perfect. Hope you don't mind me asking, but, why are you so quiet?"

"Because, I don't want to say something that would hurt the people I love."

Wow, that's deep.

"Guess that makes sense."

Before either of us could say anything else, the lights went out.

"Guess it's starting a minute early."

The show was absolutely incredible! The actors, dancers, performers, and, the host, they were absolutely stunning!

After the show was over, I realized that we only had half an hour left, until it was time to go switch to Cameron. The time went by so quickly!

"So, Hunter, anything you want to do in the next thirty-minutes?"


"What is it?"

"I'll show you."

Again, Hunter (gently) led me through the park, and, led me to a ride I didn't recognize.

"What is-"

"You'll see." Hunter said, before passing me past the ride description.

We ended up going on a slow ride.

"Hunter, what is this?"

"A haunted ride."

"Oh... Why'd you pick this?"

Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

Well, seems like I'm stuck on this ride.

...Oh dear...

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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