~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

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Ring! Ring! RING!

Ugh... Who's calling me?

I lazily grabbed my phone, to see that it was Shinto that was calling me.

I answered.

"Hello..." My lazy voice answered. 

"Hi, (y/n)! Did I wake you up?" Shinto asked, concern visible in the way that he said that. 


"Oh, I'm so sorry! I can call you later-"

"No. It's fine. What do you need?" I asked. 

"Well, if you remember, you were supposed to come over to my place. Are you still up for that?"

Two days, I would've said no.

But, thanks to my caring brothers, I feel better.

"Sure. Need my address?"

"That could be helpful." 


I then gave Shinto the address.

"Thanks. Pick you up in thirty minutes?"

"Sure, see you then."

The call ended.

I then realized something.

I only gave myself thirty minutes to get ready.

For the next thirty minutes, I raced to get myself ready.

Literally the second I finished getting completely ready, I heard a knock on the front door.

"It's for me!" I said, pushing past Cameron, who was about to answer the door.

I opened the door, to reveal that it was Shinto.

"Hey, Shinto."

"Hello, (y/n). You ready to go?"

"Yeah. But, just to be sure..."

I then checked my (Favorite color) purse, to make sure I had everything I needed.

Once I was sure I had everything I needed, I closed my purse.

"All set."

"Great, let's-"

"(y/n), who's this?" Cameron said, while grabbing my arm.

"Oh, guess you haven't met Shinto yet. I met Shinto on the first day of school. Shinto, meet Cameron, the eldest of my five brothers."

"Nice to meet you." Shinto said, before holding his hand out, to shake.

Cameron reluctantly shook Shinto's hand.

"You sure you can trust this guy?" Cameron asked. 

"Yes. Cameron, don't become my dad. I'll be back before midnight. Promise."

"Fine. Just... Text me, if you need anything."

"Okay, I will."

Shinto and I then headed towards Shinto's silver car.

It looked very expensive.

Oh, right, Shinto's rich.

I forgot.

"Here you go." Shinto said, while opening the door for me.


I entered the expensive car.

Shinto then got into the driver's seat.

"How far away is your place?" I asked.

"About fifteen minutes away."


Shinto then exited the driveway.

"So, how have you been doing?" Shinto asked.

"Fine. Yesterday, I went to the nearby amusement park."

"How fun. Did you go alone?"

"No. I went with my brothers. It was so much fun!" I said, as memories of yesterday flooded back into my head. 

"I see."

"How have you been doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing okay. A bit shaken. But, overall, I'm doing good."

"That's good."

Shinto and I continued to chat until we reached what I assumed was Shinto's residence.

It was a bit smaller than our place. But, it was still rather large.

Shinto parked.

"Here we are." Shinto said, before getting out of the car. 


Shinto helped me out of his car.

He's so considerate!

"So, what would you like to do first?" Shinto asked.

"Well, what do you like to do?"

"I love to draw... But, that's not an activity, so, yeah... Anything you want to do?"

"Well... Do you have a large backyard?"

"Yeah, why?" Shinto curiously asked. 

"Because, I have something in mind."

"Do tell."

"Do you have any water guns...?"

Shinto's eyes widened.


I smirked.

"Let's do this!" 

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now