~Chapter Fifty-Four~

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Cameron and I eventually found Henry with everything that he needed.

"How're you feeling today?" I asked.

"All the cuts have healed up, and my leg's doing much better. But I'm still sore from all the different bruises." Henry explained.

"Makes sense. Do you want me to help you carry your things?" I asked.

"Sure, thanks." Henry said, while handing me some things.

Luckily for me, they weren't too heavy.

"Is there anything else you need to do before we can leave?" I asked.

"No. I'm ready to leave; especially since I'll be back in a week. Let's go!" Henry said, before trying to move fast.

He failed, because of his crutches. Poor guy!

We all then exited the hospital, while moving at a slow pace. Once we had made it to the car, I was tired to all the silence, and decided to make conversation.

"So, Henry, mind me asking something?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Henry asked.

"How did the whole getting hit by a car even happen? Like, why did it happen? Does that make any sense?" I asked.

"I think I get what you're asking. And, it happened because I was trying to save Kyra." Henry said.

"Kyra?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah. You see, she was pulling so hard that I accidentally let go. She then ran into the street. I saw the car coming, and knew I had to save Kyra for you. But, in the process of saving Kyra, I got hit." Henry explained.

Tears were coming to my eyes, as Henry said that. He went through all this pain... Just to save a dog so I'd be happy. That's just so... Wonderful...

"Henry, you're just too sweet!" I said, before reaching to the middle, to hug Henry.

Henry hugged back.

For a second, I saw him smirking. But, just for a second. Why would he be smirking?

When the hug ended, I sat back into my seat. As I turned to Cameron, he looked furious. His hands were gripping the wheel tightly.

"Cameron, you okay?" I asked.

"Yes." Cameron said.

"If you say so..."

We then entered the driveway to the mansion.

"What do you need for school? I can get you your things for you." I said.

"Let me come in. It'd be easier than trying to explain." Henry said, while unbuckling his seat belt.

"You sure?" I asked, while getting out of the car.

"Yep." Henry said, struggling to get out of the car.

I ended up having to help him. Not that I mind.

"I'll stay in the car, and wait for you." Cameron said.

"Okay." I said.

Henry and I then entered the house.

"You know, I don't think I've ever been in your room before." I said.

"Well, it's nothing special, I assure you." Henry said, as he opened the door to his room.

It was mostly clean, except for his closet; the floor in there was covered in clothes.

"So, where are your school things?" I asked.

"All on my desk." Henry said, while turning to his desk.

It was covered in things. Papers, folders, some binders, and so on.

"What a mess." I said.

"I like to call it organized chaos." Henry defended.

"I see."

Henry then put all the things he needed into his backpack.

"Okay, I'm all set. We can go." Henry said, while putting his backpack on his shoulders.

"Will you be fine?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Henry reassured me.


We then exited the mansion, and got into the car. Cameron then took off for the school. School, here we come... Yay... NOT!

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα