Crash Landing. ( Pt. 5 )

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[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

( At a nearby park. )

Varvatos laughed while staring down the pawns of this game called chess. " Very intriguing. " He looked at the Geezer Infront of him. " And if Varvatos wins, Varvatos can enslave your entire family? "

The two Geezers Infront of him stared in shock, thinking this man must not be Normal or just off his medications. " Usurp your property? Burn it to the ground? " He added more to his winning list of awards, he moved his seat closer to the table.

Varvatos laughed as he stares at his pawns, the two Geezer took a sekton before speaking. " Dude! " One said.

" Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's just a game! " The Geezer pointed at the game as he stared at Varvatos.

Varvatos stuck a finger in his ear scooping something out, " what is a purpose of a game? " He said as he took his hand out, looking at it as he moved his pinkie finger to remove the substance.

" Who knows? Maybe uh, " the Geezer looked up as the other stares at Varvatos is shock. " Have some fun. " The Geezer continued.

" If that were true, there would be killing. " Varvatos chuckled and pointed, stating his own way of fun.

Luug moves Varvatos chair facing the entrance of the cottage. " Oof! " Varvatos groans as he looked at Luug who's circling him before running towards Aja.

The 3 Royal teens arrived. Krel walked towards Varvatos. " We need to talk to you. " He whispered as Aja pets Luug in the background. Y/n walked right beside Krel after patting Luug in the head.

" It must wait. " Varvatos turned his chair away from Krel and Y/n. " Varvatos is about to vanquish his foe, In chess. " Varvatos raised a finger, the Geezer with red shields in his eyes chuckled at him.

" Actually, you're down everything but your king and two pawns. " Y/n stared at the board with her arms closed. It seems like Varvatos is losing.

" Are you losing, Grandpa Geezer? " Y/n pointed at the board looking at Varvatos in the eyes.

" Varvatos will triumph gloriously! " He cracked his knuckles and laughed. He then moves his pawn forward in a slow pace before hitting the timer harshly beside him. " Ha! "

The Geezer fought back taking his pawn and clicking the timer faster and calmer. Varvatos gasped and slammed his fists on the table. " Checkmate, butt snack. " The Geezer laughed and Varvatos did not take this lightly.

" Your butt shall be mine to snack upon! " Varvatos growled as he leaned on the table slamming his palms on it. He cackled before groaning in pain as his bones cracked once more.

The two Geezers watched him weirdly. " Victory shall be mine! " Varvatos yells once more. " Dude. "

" Could Victory be yours tomorrow? " Aja asked as she pets Luug, loving the soft fungi attached to him.

" We have a bit of a problem. " Y/n added stepping back, walking towards Aja and Luug.

" Varvatos Vex shall return to smite you both. " He stood up and took his metal stick before walking away.

" Oh, I can't wait. " The Geezer with red shields in his eyes uninterested at Varvatos threat.

" Smite this. " The other Geezer added. " Tonight, make amends with your women! " Varvatos said walking down the stairs pointing at the two Geezers, Y/n and Krel watched as Aja waited patiently, watching Luug.

Varvatos groans as he fell off the stairs missing a step. " For tomorrow, you face death. " He continued like nothing happened as he push of Aja's help. The 3 teens walked after Varvatos with a smile, Luug followed after.

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