Beetle Mania. ( Pt. 2 )

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( At Stuart's Electronics. )

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

Stuart clumsily picks which key is the one that Opens his shop as the Royal teens as Well as Varvatos in their Human forms watched the Stuart, quite running out of patience.

" Here we go. " The Stuart muttered as he finally found which Key opens his shop which was a wrong key. " Ah. " Krel placed his hand on his eyebrows rubbing it getting too impatient. " Ha, here we go. " He showed the Key to Krel before accidentally dropping it on the floor.

Aja smiled seeing the right key only for her to roll her eyes as she watched the Key Fall and Stuart picking it up. Y/n crossed her arms, closing her eyes trying her best not to roll her eyes, or Stuart's head.

The Stuart chuckled looking at the group before crouching down to get the Key, finally the mood was now normal and the Stuart opened his Shop, Aja smiled as she watched the Stuart open the store.

" Beinvenidos. Beinvenue. " He waved his hands  around his shop, going in after Luug. " Welcome, to Stuart's wonderful world of Electronica. " He welcome the group who looked around in amazement.

" I thought you sold Burrito's. " Aja said as she stared at a wall of Talking Boxes with a smile, Krel helped himself and started touching his eyes can see while Y/n touched a ladder looking at it, wondering what's at the top.

" Yeah, and uh, Used electronics. " He watched Y/n climb the Ladder peeking her head up to see a wall of old Speakers. " Exultant. " She whispered, getting up and touching the used speakers, even knocking on it as an instinct.

" And uh, graphic tee's. " He shrugged now watching Krel take a Walkie talkie examining it. " And uh, ' Objects in T-shirts are thinner than they appear. ' " he chuckled before loosing his balance.

" One of mine. " He regained his balance as Aja walks towards him, touching his clothes with a weirded expression. Y/n got down from the Ladder with the Help of Krel, not that she needed it but small things matter.

" I'm also a notary and justice of the peace. " He continued Rambling as Aja pat's his back to his left arm, examining his clothes and Human Transduction model.

" I've been here on Earth for 30 years, I've got lots of time reinvent myself. " He continued Rambling as Aja takes his coat examining it before lifting his arm.

Krel opened the Walkie talkie not even bothering to listen to the Stuart as he showed Y/n the parts of this Primitive Walkie.

" That's the wonderful thing about Earth, you know, " he said forming fists of happiness. " You can be whoever you want to be. " He looked at Aja with a smile.

" Except someone who can get off this Planet, Apparently. " Krel commented with an indifferent expression before continuing to show the Parts that Y/n doesn't understand but, Listening sounds nice.

" Did you choose this Human form? " Aja asked poking the Stuarts stomach. Y/n turned her head around getting quite intrigued at the question.

" Oh why? " The Stuart looked at himself and chuckled worriedly. " Don't you like it? " He looked at Aja and Y/n who didn't answer. " Well,  it's a little more primitive than your Transduction chambers, I admit. " He moved his and up Pointing at Aja's Human form.

" But, I devised this tech myself out of some enriched plutonium, " He pointed his thumb at himself proudly. " And parts I scrounged from a n '86 pinto. " He patted his big belly.

Varvatos sighed getting enough of his blabbering. " Where is this solution you promised? " Varvatos yelled at him, scowling. " Yes, all I see right now is pieces of Old and Used junk. " Y/n said taking a metal scrap before letting go of it, dropping it on the floor for Luug to eat.

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