Collision Course.

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Episode 5, Collision Course.

The Royals take a driver's ed class, hoping to find parts for their ship. Instead they're led on a high-speed chase with the Zeron Brotherhood.

( Inside The Mother Ship. )

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

Aja quietly fumbles in her sleep with her eyes shut tight showing desperation. She has been having nightmares for many Delsons, that night she decided to have a human hibernation or what humans call a sleepover at Y/n's room.

Although Mother said it doesn't count because they live under the same roof, Aja thinks it counts. Luug who was sleeping right beside her let out a tiny whine as he felt his owner move.

" Quadrant two, initiating transport in ten secton's. "

Aja panted as she ran through the foggy streets and alleys of Akiridion-5, something felt off. She looked around, finding her way to the palace. She stopped Infront, hearing a fleet land somewhere.

She gasped and looked right behind her, the fleet of Val Morando was landing, behind her, Infront of the palace.the hatch opened, revealing Val Morando, glaring.

She gasped and took out her Serrator, walking backwards as Morando walks towards her. She activated her Serrator, just now noticing her disadvantage. It's like Morando became a god, he grew bigger, and more powerful.

He pointed at the Palace where Queen Coranda and King Fialkov stood, watching him. Unable to do anything. " Fire. " He ordered. Aja gasped once more and ran towards her parents.

" Mama! Papa! " She called out as she's running, her parents only stood, not looking at her, but is looking at Morando's fleet and his Strykers.

Aja looked behind her seeing the Fleet get closer, she glanced at her parents before yelling in desperation. " No! " Morando's lasers activated and shot it towards the Palace making it explode with her parents.

" No, no, no, no! " She gasped and looked around, catching her breath, she noticed Y/n wasn't with her, which is unusual because it is her room. She heard a slight snore on the floor though.

She looked down at her torso seeing Luug loot at her curiously. Luug barked before attacking Aja with kisses, Aja groaned not wanting to be covered in Saliva. " Luug, stop. "

She growled in annoyance, pushing Luug away as she sat up. Luug lied down on his back, smiling at Aja, Aja stared at him for a secton with her arms crossed before finally giving in to give him some affection.

She hugged Luug to her chest who closed his eyes and got comfortable. After a few sectons she stood up, went pass the sleeping Krel on the floor and went to the Cockpit of the Mother Ship.

" Unable to sleep again, My Royal? "

Mother asked as she was tending to Y/n who was getting comfortable with a Blanket. Y/n looked at Aja with a smile as she was not getting much sleep as well. She is worried about her Mama and Papa.

" Another Nightmare? " Y/n asked as she moved her floating seat towards Aja with the sleeping Luug in her arms.

" I miss Mama and Papa, I wish I could have done something. " She rested her head in Luug's face, hugging him.

" I'm sure they'll wake up soon. " Y/n smiled before sighing. She wiped Aja's tears before offering a seat.

" Might I suggest an Earthling Remedy for your Nightmare? "

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