Lightning in a Bottle. ( Pt. 2 )

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( In The Building Of Math. )

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

{ Back to the Duel of Math conversation. }

Unknowingly, while Señor Uhl told Krel and Y/n to wait in his classroom, there was an unfamiliar creature that left a locker, holding a piece of Paper, as if it was complaining in gibberish.

Its eyes landed on the Serrator Señor Uhl was holding Between his books as he walked after Jim and Toby. He looked back at his Paper, it's similar to the one he wanted.

It gasped and took another look at his Paper and the Serrator. It talked in gibberish, It must be it wanted. Well, atleast similar to what he wanted.

He rolled his paper back and quickly ran after Señor Uhl who was walking inside his office. To his surprise, Jim was inside. He greeted Señor Uhl with a nervous yet awkward smile and a chuckle.

" What are you doing in my office? " Señor Uhl asked firmly as he glared at Jim, ready to walk inside his office.

" Señor Uhl! " Jim quickly hugged him, stopping him from going inside. Chompsky, jumped right behind Señor Uhl, attempting to take the Serrator.

Jim pulled back and cleared his throat. " I man. Interim principal Señor Uhl. " He corrected himself. Chompsky gave up on his attempts to jump to get the Serrator so he climbed up on Jim.

" It's so hard to keep track. I'm just uh.. " Jim held his hand out, purposely stopping Señor Uhl to get inside, he must be hiding something.

Chompsky growled and punched Jim's foot. Jim looked down, feeling the small impact before looking up to meet Señor Uhl's eyes. " Boy. " He said lowly.

" Looking for.. " Chompsky glared at Jim as he tried to find an excuse. Jim shook his leg attempting to make the gnome let go. " guidance! " He finished.

Jim successfully made Chompsky let go of his ankle and landed on a box of paper pins. Chompsky yelled and got out of the box.

" Oh! Well, I'm glad you came to see me. I'm worried about your attendance. " Señor Uhl replied.

Chompsky threw a tantrum as he removed all the pins that were stuck on his lower bottom. " You've missed 43 days. But there is one thing. " Jim backed away as Señor Uhl got closer.

" We have two students who are not from these parts. " Chompsky ran across the room, climbing up a table where Señor Uhl placed his books and the Serrator.

" They're having some difficulty fitting in. They are a little weird. " Chompsky smiled in succession when he finally got what he wanted, The Serrator that looks like the one he needed. He pulled one last pin that was stuck on his bottom, letting out a little yelp as he does.

( Inside Señor Uhl's classroom. )

The three teens chatted for a bit while they waited for Señor Uhl to arrive. " Kleb! A Math Duel? " Krel exclaimed while Aja played with the teachers chair.

" Why is it so difficult for these humans to accept that I have a superior intellect? " He added, placing a hand on his head.

Y/n tapped her chin. " Well, they are still in the Primitive epoch. " She spoke up, tilting her head and crossing her legs as she looked at Krel.

Krel groaned, placing his hands in his head. " And they dragged you in it too. " He muttered making Y/n chuckled.

" I don't mind, it's the first ever Human to challenge me in something different. " She answered with a smile, Resting her palms on her knees.

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