Collision Course. ( Pt. 3 )

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( In the Canals. Drivers Education. )

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

Aja steps on the acceleration pedal making the Car's engine roar as she tries to make it go faster.

Y/n looked at the window in the back seat seeing the Ship goal after them with its Invisibility camouflage glitching.

After a few more sectons the ship exposed itself. It's a strange looking ship, maybe a bounty Hunters ship.

" What is that ship? " Y/n asked to Krel as he switches seats to the front, fastening his seat belt.

" Class-A Dreadnought from Sector-7. " He answered as he got comfortable in the seat.

Y/n fastened her seat belt in the back seat as well sitting back down properly. " So, there's a big possibility that, that's a Bounty Hunter's ship. " She pointed at the ship right behind them.

" I don't know, Maybe it's a friendly ship. " Aja said in wonder as she focuses on the way.

" Could it be Stuart? " She looked at her rear mirror seeing that the Ship got closer and hits the car, it shot a beam of death at them too.

" Okay, Maybe not Stuart. " Aja said as she dodged the attack, making the Krel and Y/n move from the impact and her driving.

" Woah, now I see why you need Driver's Ed. " Krel commented at his sister's driving skills.

The ship activated it's Retrieval Ray once more, aiming it at the Car with The Royal teens inside.  " What do they want? " Y/n Grunted as she held on tightly to Krel and Aja's seat, not wanting to break any bone at the moment.

" Seklos and Gaylen, Guide us. " Y/n muttered with her head down as Aja turned a sharp right making Krel hit the Window, pressing his face in as he groans in discomfort.

{ Meanwhile with The Eli and Shannon. }

" I've got a good feeling about this one. " The Eli said with a smile as he kept on going back and forth.

The Shannon who was right beside him, hugged her seatbelt tight, opening one eye as she watches the Eli. She held in a Puke as Eli kept on going back and forth with the Car making her dizzy.

" I think I'm going to be sick. " She said with a strained voice as she held on tightly to the seatbelt.

" I'll show you something sick. " The Eli stopped the Car.

" Time to Tokyo drift. " He fixed his Sunglasses and smiled confidently.

Meanwhile The Shannon on the other hand was horrified. " What? " She asked in shock.

{ With Aja, Y/n and Krel. }

Y/n looked at the Ship from her Window, seeing that it deactivated it's Retrieval Ray before going after them.

" Uh, They're gaining on us. " Y/n said to the two as she watched the Ship go after them. Krel looked at Y/n as he held his cheek that was pressed on the window a few sectons ago.

" We're never going to outrun this Ship in this Primitive Vehicle. " Krel said as he looked at where Y/n was looking.

" Uh, I'm Open to ideas. " Aja said, Eyeing him for a few sectons before looking ahead.

" Well I do have an optimizer for the fuel Capacitor. " Krel took out an Akiridion Tech Optimizer from his pocket.

Krel eyed Aja and Y/n before speaking. " Stop the Car. " Aja did as he said, stopping the Car.

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