Chapter 1--> Life Sucks

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Paige's POV
I sat down to rest my feet as the customers left and more came in, and of course, sat right in my section! Argh!

'Screw those people! We need to rest!' My wolf, Destiny, said angrily.

'I know. I know. Sadly, we love food to much to go hungry AND I need to pay the mortgage for the house.' I say right back at her as she sighed and went silent. It was my turn to sigh as I walked over to the family sitting in the booth and smiled the best I could. I took their orders and left to go give them to Jace, one of the cooks. He was around my age, just 2 years older.

I guess I kinda dove into this. My name is Paige Collins and I am 17 years old. I work only one job, but plan on getting another one when the school year ends. I am a senior this year, so I will be able to work more after tomorrow, the last day of high school, and I definitely need the money. My wolf hates that cause we don't get to run as much, but she understands. If anything, she gives me all her strength so I can do these things.

I love her so much... If anything, she is one of my only friends except Kate, my brother's mate, but both me and her neither have time for anything to do. She has pack business and I have my work.

"Paige! Two more tables in your section just filled up!" Jerry, the manager, said abruptly.

"Thanks Jerry! I'm on it!" I yelled back. Jerry was always looking out for me. He payed me more than usual and always tried to help me out. The only reason I had to get these jobs is because my brother left to go live in the pack house with his mate, and I am stuck paying all the bills. I never complained to him though. He had a life and I didn't want to be a burden on him.

I finally got to the two tables and I glared at the disgusting sight that was there. Jessica sat there with her little band of bitches. Jessica Darlix was like the slut if the pack. She slept with probably everyone and ruined relationships for a living. Her eyes were now set in the Alpha's son, poor guy... Talk about cliche.

Ya, I hate them... They always try and make my life as miserable as possible. Jessica was also the most popular girl in the school. Every girl bowed down to her needs... Every girl except me. I don't take orders from some prissy bitch. I didn't smile as I stood in front her their tables.

"Just order okay?" I said trying not to show my 'I will kick your ass' face, but I am pretty sure I failed.

"Oh! Paige, I didn't know you worked here. I can't wait for school to end... Can you?" She said as the others laughed. I scoffed and said nothing, cause if I did, it wouldn't be very nice.

"A water for everyone and just a house salad with ranch dressing. We are on diets." She said. No other girl protested and I left with the order. Walking to the counter, I banged my fist on the bell, denting it in.

"It's them again, ain't it?" Jace said in his southern accent. I just growled in response. Jace was a werewolf, I have no idea what pack he was from though, but I had nothing to hide from him.

"You want me to call Kerry? She could take those tables for ya?" I clenched my teeth and shook my head.

"No, I can do this. They are just... Ugh." I mumbled. I grabbed their waters and salads and walked slowly to their tables. I set down their food and drinks and started to walk away.

"Um, excuse me! I asked for thousand island dressing! Not ranch!" Jessica said furiously. I clenched my fist and turned around. She definitely said ranch.

"Fine... I will get it for you." I said, gritting my teeth. I turned back around and walked away again. Suddenly I felt something smack me in the back of my head and felt sticky stuff go through my hair and down to my neck.

She threw her fucking ranch dressing at me.

I turned around and my eyes were furious I looked at her and she just smiled. That was it... I have had it with this shit I take everyday of my life. I walk back to them and with one quick motion, I punched Jessica right in the jaw. Before I could land another punch, Jace must've saw this cause he grabbed me and lifted me off the ground as I kicked and screamed.

"Let me finish what I started! That bitch needs to stay on the ground so I can kick her ass!" We finally got to the kitchen and he shoed the other cooks out. He gave me a sad look and grabbed a wet rag and started to clean the ranch dressing out of my hair. I sat their staring into his deep forest green eyes.

"Why... Why would you do that? I know she is a bitch, but she's not worth it Paige." I turned my head down as he tried to look into my eyes. I was on the verge of tears and I didn't want him to see. I never usually cry, but when I do, it must be a pretty bad situation.

Now, because of that bitch, I risk losing my job. And Jace probably thinks I'm an idiot too. God I'm so stupid.

Jace put his hand under my chin and lifted my eyes to his. One single tear fell and he wiped it away with his thumb, still holding my chin. I gave him the best smile I could muster up until Jerry barged in the door.

"Paige! What the hell was that! I can't have you doing that to my customers! Just... Argh!" He said pacing back and forth. He was right. What I did was uncalled for and definitely not a good thing for the restaurant. I looked down again and Jace spoke up.

"That bitch deserved it. Paige is the victim in this, see? She has ranch all over her because that chick threw it at her. If it's any act of law, I call it self-defense." Jace said stepping in front of me. I stood up and walked around him as he watched me pass with confusion in his eyes.

"I am so sorry Jerry. I don't know what came over me. I understand if I am fired." I said hanging my head. Of course I was fired. Hell, he's probably gonna demand payment if Jessica decides to sue the place, which she probably would.

"I'm not gonna fire you Paige, your the best waitress I've got. Just don't ever, and I mean ever, do that again." He said walking out of the kitchen as some other chefs walked in. I was shocked to say the least, but then I remembered how much Jerry cared. God I hope the bitch doesn't put more stress on his shoulders by taking this to court.

"Paige, go home. I'll cover your shifts for tonight, ok?" Jace said, taking off his apron. I slowly nodded and walked out, grabbing my keys to my gold FR (aka Ford Ranger). I hated doing that, but right now, I need to calm Des down before she takes controls and hunts down Jessica. She's pretty protective of me when it comes to the bullying I face for the wannabe barbies.

I started the engine and drove home, blasting my music, which calmed Des down enough where I had full control. I finally parked in my driveway and walked into my small 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, house.

I showered for 40 mi, enjoying the stress leaving my body and got out, putting on my pj's. I got in bed and plugged my iPhone in on the nightstand and turned off my lamp.  I laid in bed trying to clear my mind about everything. The fight, school ending tomorrow, and...

My 18th birthday.

-Hey everyone! So I hope you liked the chapter and comment what you would like to be different if you didn't like it. Oh, and her 18th birthday means she can find her mate so that's what she is really worried about. Well, I hope everything is good and I will get some pictures of the characters. So...-



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