Chapter 14--> Alpha? Me?!

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Paige's POV
A small chill went down my spine as we neared the border. I know I shouldn't be nervous, but what the hell am I suppose to do? Just walk up all 'alpha like' and become the largest and strongest pack's alpha?!

Dustin grasped my small hand in his as the Blackmoon pack came into view. Oh crap, what was I thinking?! There was probably around 400 people just standing at the border. Who knows how many have yet to come...

"State your purpose of being here and requesting Paige." Dustin said in his own alpha tone. I stood tall at his side even though I wanted to creep into a hole and die.

"I am Wayne... previous Beta of the Blackmoon pack. I am here to present Paige Went with the alpha title to this pack. She is the descendent of Heather and Benjamin Went and the true alpha." This tall brown haired, blue eyed, dude around 40ish said in a deep and loud voice. All the people behind him yelled and cheered as I shrunk back a little. Holy cheeseballs! I can't do this!

Dustin looked back at me and gave me the 'your kidding me right? This is a joke right?' look. I smiled innocently and shrugged my shoulders, but he wasn't buying it. I mouthed 'I will tell you later' and gathered my courage and left Dustin's side and stepped forward.

"I am Paige Mathews, or uhh.. Went, and I will take the title as Alpha of the Blackmoon pack." I said loud as Dustin rushed forward and gripped me arm hard. I gasped in a little pain at his rough grip as loud growls sounded throughout the crowd of the Blackmoon pack.

"Do NOT touch the Alpha in that way, alpha Dustin. This is my only warning to you." Wayne said as he looked beyond angry. I don't know why, but I felt proud of all of them. They just met me yet they are all so protecting and loyal. What was I thinking?! I want to be the alpha of this pack.

"Dustin, as your mate and Luna of your pack, I ask that we invite MY pack into our territory and have the proper ceremony for my coronation as Alpha." I asked, including some batted eyelashes. He sighed and pinched his nose, but finally nodded in defeat.

"We have a camp only a mile away. We will stay there and come and go whenever our alpha needs it." Wayne said as people started to leave. I nodded and waved as he nodded back. Finally when everyone left, Dustin picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. We were back at the house within 10 min and he bolted to our room.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PAIGE!" He yelled as the house shook a little. Ok... That was freaking scary! I've never seen him that angry before.

"Ok... Let me start from the beginning." I said as I took in a huge breath.


We both walked downstairs as Dustin flung an arm over my shoulder and smiled as I smiled back. He believed everything I said, from the dreams to the tattoo on my arm. We entered the living room as my eyes caught Wayne's.

"Wayne... What are you doing here?" I asked and smiled as he smiled back. I looked

"Alpha Paige... I am here to ask a favor of you." He said as I got confused. I looked at Dustin and he nodded in approval and I looked back at Wayne.

"First, please call me Paige, and second, what favor do you ask?" I told him as him smiled even wider. I smiled back as he motioned to someone.

"This is my son, Thomas. I am not getting younger and I would like you to appoint him as Beta." He said as Thomas smirked and winked at me. Dustin growled a little and Thomas backed off. Oh god. I was so confused about how to do this and I said the first thing that and to my mind.

"I-I... I need time to uhh... Think about this, ok?" I said as Wayne nodded and thanked me. His phone rang as he left the room and someone mind-linked Dustin about some Alpha stuff and he had to leave the room. That just left me with Thomas.

"Hey." He smirked as I gave him a small smile.

"How did you all get back together as the Blackmoon pack?" I questioned immediately. He looked surprised at first, but shook it of and chuckled a little.

"We all have a connection. It's kind of like a mind-link, but stronger. We all knew your mom was a white wolf... There's no use in hiding it anymore. The entire rouge population and hunters know there is a female white wolf. Word has been out there for to long to hide. The reason we have this sort of strong mind-link because of her. When you take the Luna position of this other pack, when that Dustin dude marks you, this pack with connect with our pack as well." He explained as I stood in awe. That is awesome!

"Wow... T-that's amazing!" I said, still shocked. He just chuckled and shook his head. Suddenly his mood changed as he gave me a serious look.

"C-can I see it? Y-your moon mark." He asked as he looked at the ground and scratches the back of his head. I was confused until I looked at my wrist.

"Oh... Ya, sure." I said as I pulled up my sleeve and showed him the black crescent moon painted on my wrist. It was his turn to stare in shock as he grabbed my wrist lightly and ran his fingers over it. He traced it several times as I did a small smile. A loud growl ripped through the silent air as Dustin stood in the doorway glaring at Thomas. Oh shit!

"Let go of her mutt, before I rip your throat out." Dustin said as Thomas raised his hands in surrender and backed away. Dustin stomped over to me and grabbed my wrist tight as I yelped in pain. He started to drag me up the stairs as I tried to break out of the painful grip.

Wayne came bursting through the kitchen archway and tackled Dustin as they both tumbled down the stairs. I was just about to fall until strong arms wrapped around me. Thomas caught my fall and set me down carefully.

"I warned you not to harm our alpha! Do it again and it will not be pretty!" Wayne said as Dustin got up seething in rage.

Wayne came over to me and lightly grabbed my wrist. I slowly looked down as I was sickened at the sight. Small spots of blood formed in tiny pools. Thomas ran and grabbed a paper towel as Dustin looked at me.

Our eyes met as his held so much regret and pain, as if his heart was being ripped out. I stood emotionless as Thomas wiped away the blood as my skin healed. I thanked them as they left and looked around for Dustin. Hmm, he must have went to our room.

I slowly ascended the stair and walked to my door. I got to the large wood door and slowly creaked it open. I looked inside and saw a horrible sight.

Everything was trashed. Our dresser was smashed in, windows broken, closet door destroyed, and the bed was ripped to shreds. I saw Dustin sleeping on the trashed bed and slowly walked over to him. I sat down the other side of him and laid down, wrapping my arms around his waist. His body jolted up and jumped on top of me and brought his body weight done on me and hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry." He said as he breathed in my scent from my neck. I brag my hands to his cheeks as he brought his face close to mine. I felt a little wet tear on his cheek and wiped it away as I brought my lips to his.

His kiss held so much passion and lust as I moaned a little. I gave him entrance as he deepened the kiss, dominating my mouth. I grew light headed and broke the kiss as we both breathed heavy, catching out breath.

Dustin got off of me and cradled me to his chest tight. I smiled and snuggled into him more.

I drifted into a dreamless sleep as my mind lost all thought of any troubles or problems.

-Swup all my loving fans! Here's the next chappie for ya. Oh and I want all you guys to be awesome fans and go and follow lovemaya298 because she is writing this AMAZING book about a girl who is captured and taken to hell to become a slave. It has the best plot EVER and everyone of you should go and read it!

Anywaz, I will probably post again today, but no promises. Love you all and PEACE OUT!


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