Chapter 2--> Screwed Up

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Paige's POV
I growled as my alarm clock wouldn't shut up. I grabbed it, yanking the cord from the wall, and chucked it across the room. It made one final crash before it burst into a million pieces. I brought my head up and sighed as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Showering and swiping on a little mascara, and putting my long brown hair in a ponytail, I walked out of my room and down the stairs to my kitchen. I flicked on the lights...

"Surprise!!!" Ethan and Kate shot up from behind the counter and screamed as I slipped in surprise.

"Agh!" I yelled as my butt hit the ground, probably bruising my tailbone. My brother came over and helped me up as I socked him right in the arm.

"Jerk! You scared the shit outa me!" I yelled at him as he laughed. Kate came over and gave me a huge hug and I stood there awkwardly. It's kinda embarrassing, but I don't think I know how to hug someone... Yup and you guessed it, I haven't ever been kissed.

"So, you might find your mate today? I am so happy for you! It's the best thing in the entire world to have a mate." Kate said as she let go and brought out my breakfast.

It was chocolate pie with Oreo cookies all around it. Yes, I love sweets for breakfast, sue me.

I didn't even spare it a second glance before it was gone and happily in my belly. I was just about to grab the plate and put it in the dishwasher when I felt something taped to it.

"What the," I tore it off and found $200,"Oh My God! Thank you guys so much!" I screamed. I looked at the clock and suddenly sprung out of my seat.

"Oh wow! I have to get to school! It's 8:15 already." I ran outside as my bro and Kate followed.

"See you later sis. I have pack business to work on and have a great last day of school." He said as they both got into their red Ford Raptor. I was kinda jealous cause the pack pays for everything they need and I have to pay for all my needs, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

/--- 15 Min later---/

I finally got to school and went to my first period... Calculus. I hate any type of math.

My schedule goes like this.
1st- Calculus
2nd- Anatomy
3rd- English Honors
4th- Gym

I only have 4 classes cause I am a senior. It kinda rocks cause I have more time I can work. I didn't have to take gym, but my wolf needs the exercise.

'Is that a fat joke?!' Des questioned angrily.

'Love you.' I said sweetly back. She scoffed and went silent as I chuckled and walked through the halls.

I went into calculus and sighed, going towards the back seats and started to sit down when someone growled at me... I sat down anyways.

"Excuse me..." A voice said behind me angrily. I huffed an turned around to come face to face with our Beta, Leo. His arms were crossed over his muscular chest and he glared at me, and if looks could kill, start planning my funeral.

"You're excused." I said smirking at him. He glared at me even more, if it was possible. It's against moral law to disrespect a beta, but when your in school, everyone is fair game. Frankly, I really don't give a shit where we are. You gotta give respect to get it.

The teacher soon walked into the room, she was an old human. With one last glare, Leo sat down in the seat behind me and the teacher, Ms. Williams, started her lesson.

I tuned out most of it cause all she was going over what we learned earlier in the year stuff. I felt a poke in my neck.

'Ugh! That ass hole! If he wasn't our beta, I would beat the living shit outa him!' Des yelled.

'I know, but remember, we have to hold our temper if we are ever gonna make it through the last day of the the school year.' I stated back to her. She huffed and went silent as the bell rung. I left before everyone else and hurried to my next classes that seemed to drone on and on forever.

I finally made it to gym and I dressed out in my shorts and crew neck T-shirt. I got out on the court and saw 6 red dodge-balls laying in the middle. I was happy cause I loved dodgeball.

"All right class, you know the rules. I will pick teams." Our gym teacher said in a loud voice. He was a werewolf too so he'll spit all of us up to make if fair for the humans. I walked over to my side and saw Leo on the other... Shit.

The whistle blew and I stayed back as the others were having war out on the middle of the court. A ball came flying at me as it barely missed my head. I ducked and grabbed a ball on the ground chucking it at some human boy, getting him out.

Just as I was about to chuck another one, an amazing scent hit my nose. Pine and cinnamon. I searched the room for the scent as my wolf was going crazy in my head.

'MATE! MATE! MATE! HE'S HERE! HE'S HERE!' She kept screaming. I was so excited as I finally found him. My heart skipped a beat. I looked right at Dustin Mathews, the most popular guy in school, the playboy, the alpha.

Just as I was about to walk forward to him, my face stung as it made impact with the ball. I clutched my cheek and could feel it swelling a little. I knew only a werewolf could've thrown that hard and I knew exactly who it was. Leo was laughing at me as Dustin walked towards him. My heart dropped when I started to hear him laugh to.

His laugh was amazing, but he laughed at me... For me being harmed. Aren't mates suppose to protect you? My eyes filled up with some tears as I walked out of the gym and through the hallway. I heard footsteps behind me as I quickened my pace. It was only seconds before I was slammed into the lockers. I almost cried out in pain as my head smacked into the locker, but Dustin held his hand over my mouth. I looked at him with tear filled eyes and probably a puffy red face from where I was hit.

"Why does it have to be you?! Of all people?! I have been waiting for my mate and it had to be you?! Your a weakling, not fit for the Luna position!" He whispered/screamed at me. I stood there silent, trying to take it all in at once.

"That's it! I am getting this over with! I, Dustin Mathews, reject you!" My tears stopped as he said that... And he didn't even remember my name. He let go of me as I fell to the floor, to my knees. I didn't cry or sob. I just sat there, helpless. I could barely whisper my words.

"I accept your rejection." I mumbled so quietly that only his werewolf hearing could hear it. He flinched a little, but then stood tall as my body filled with pain and regret. And all this time, my wolf was silent. He just left... While I was sitting on the floor... In so much pain... yet so numb.

My mate just rejected me...

-Ohhhhh! Geez, some men! I mean c'mon! Some guys are actually like that. They are the ones that don't care about you and if you are dating a guy like that, then maybe you need to check if he is actually worth it. Anyways... I hope you liked the chapter and...-


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