Chapter 4--> Gone

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Paige's POV
I had yet another night of dreamless sleep as I woke up by myself. Ya probably shouldn't have crushed the alarm clock.

I got out of bed doing my daily routine of showering and then make-up. Once that was all done I just didn't care about what I wore. I put on some grey baggy sweats and a loose grey tank top. Grabbing my suitcase I started to slowly pack all my clothes.

/--- 2 Hours and 3 suitcases later---/

I finally got everything I owned, packed and ready to go... And it was only 12:00. I sighed and decided to call Jerry and resign.


He finally hung up after trying to convince me to stay, but I just couldn't. I wanted to let my pack know but I didn't have the guts to call Du-... I can't even mention his name without almost tearing up. I went back up to my room and decided to write a letter to both the pack and the alpha... Ya that's what I'll call him from now on. Once I finished the pack resignation letter I grabbed a pen and started to write...

Dear Alpha,

I am sorry I wasn't Luna material, and I am sorry you couldn't love who I was, but I am not sorry for who I am. The pain you've caused me is unbearable and I just can't stay any longer. Knowing you will probably soon have a Luna, it will probably be Jessica for all I know, but I don't care anymore because I will be gone. Don't look for me cause I don't want you to. I hope your life is better off without me because I know mine will be better without you.

Sincerely Your Ex-Mate,
Paige Collins (if you ever remember it)

I finished the letter as tears rolled down onto the paper. I enclosed it in an envelope and set it next to the other letter.

I got out of the house and tried calling Ethan. It went directly to his voicemail, so I hung up after leaving him a message about how he needs to take care of the house. I locked the door and set the key under the mat. As I turned around I was greeted by Jace leaning on his dark gray Jeep. I sighed and walked over to my truck putting my bags in it as he walked over to me.

"So you didn't even bother calling to tell me your leaving?" He said kinda hurt. I felt guilty and mad that I didn't call him. I just didn't think I could bare it.

"How did you find out anyway." I asked quietly.

"Jerry told me and I came over as quickly as possible before you could leave." He said sadly. "Where do you think you can go?"

"Somewhere other than here." I said shortly. He looked at me and must've seen my puffy teared up eyes, no matter how hard I tried to hide them.

"Paige, what's happened to you?! Why were you crying?! Whoever did this is gonna pay." He said fiercely grabbing my chin and looking me in the eyes. All I could do is look sorrowfully back. His eyes softened and he brought me into a hug.

"I don't want you to leave." He said keeping me tight to his chest as I just hung my arms limply.

"I have to... I can't stay here anymore." I whispered back. Suddenly he said something I never expected him to say.

"He did this to you... Your mate rejected you didn't he?" He mumbled. It's like I couldn't respond. I just sobbed and burst out crying as he squeezed me tighter to him. I don't know what came over me, but my arms wrapped around his waist... Barely. That's the first true hug I have ever given anyone.

Suddenly a growl erupted through the air and Jace was ripped away from me and I watched as Dustin punched him right in jaw. Jace fell on the grass as blood was all over his nose and mouth.

"Jace!" I ran over to him, but was grabbed on my waist and pulled into a hard chest. Dustin growled possessively as sparks erupted at our touch. I didn't want to enjoy them either. All I heard was a faint purr from my wolf and I growled back at her. Jace slowly got up and spit the blood at Dustin's feet.

"Let her go. You don't deserve her." He said menacingly. Dustin let me go and pushed me behind him.

"My beta is on his way, rouge. You might not wanna pick a fight you can't win." Dustin spat back.

"I am not afraid of some puny alpha that rejects his mate out of spite." Jace said wiping away more blood. Soon, a black convertible pulled up and Leo got out of it looking straight at us. He walked over and Dustin literally tossed me over and Leo snatched me up before I could run.

Dustin walked over to Jace and landed another punch to his stomach and Jace hunched over, while Dustin swung up, hitting him once again in the jaw. I screamed in protest as they started to fight more.

Both of them landed punches and both were bloodied up. Dustin, using all his alpha strength, got Jace on the ground and started kicking his ribs, probably breaking a few of them. I knew Jace wouldn't be able to get up from this, and he looked like he was about to pass out. I couldn't stand it anymore.

I swung my leg back, nailing Leo in the coconuts. Before Dustin could kick him again I flung myself over Jace taking the kick for him. I felt my chest break as Dustin realized what he did.

"Paige!" He said as he caught me as I fell. I pushed away from him and hit the ground, nudging Jace trying to stop the pain in my chest. He flinched a little, but looked up at me. My vision blurred, but somehow Jace was able to stand up and pick me up bridal style.

My head fell to the side as my eyes caught Dustin. He was walking back and forth running his hands through his black hair. I don't know why, but somehow I felt a connection with him still... And I couldn't stop it.

I finally started healing, and tugged at Jace to let me down. Once he did I ran to my truck as tears fell from my eyes.

Locking the doors, Dustin ran up and started to bang on my window, screaming stuff I couldn't even hear. Jace just stood there as I revved my engine and sped off. Once I got to the highway, I blasted 'Flat On The Floor' by Carrie Underwood.

I had no idea were I was going, but I was sure glad that it was away from there.

Dustin's POV
I banged on my mates window, trying to tell her to stop and come back to me, and how sorry I was, but I knew she didn't here it cause all she did was drive away.

I yelled out into the air and ran to my truck... I started it up as quickly as possible, but her truck was already out of sight. I still went in the direction I thought she would go, but with no success of finding it. I was so desperate I finally sent out a pack message to all the warriors and guards.

'Pack member on the run! Left in a gold Ford Ranger and is probably already on the highway! Capture and bring to the pack house alive and unharmed as soon as possible! Now!' I screamed through the link as I got to the forest.

'Told you so... But no, you never listen do you. You let our mate leave in fear and anger towards us!' My wolf yelled at me.

'I know! You don't have to make it worse! Now let me shift so I can find her scent and get her back to us!' I yelled back. I shifted to my pure black wolf and ran through the forest trying to find a scent.

I will find you... Mate.

-Hey people! So how ya liking it? Ya there are some grammar and spelling errors but once I finish the book I will edit it. Well that's all I have to say for now, so stay beautiful my fans! Love y'all! Oh and listen to Carrie Underwood cause she is such an amazing singer. She is my favorite! Anyways... Keep reading my beloved fans😄-

(P.S. Do you guys want a special name? Like a cool nickname or something? If you do, then comment and I will decide in the next few chapters.)

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