Chapter 11--> The Attack

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Paige's POV
We finally got home from the rouge thing, as we both went up to Dustin's room. I could see the anger fuming in his eyes as he screamed out in frustration, punching the wall. His fist went through the wall, making a large cracking sound.

I quickly ran over to him and hugged him from behind. He let out a loud growl as I tensed up.

I still can't get over that.

I knew he felt it this time and he turned around, lightly putting his hands on my waist as I looked at the ground.

"Why do you do that? Why do you get tense whenever I growl?" He asked, lifting my chin so my eyes connect to his. I sighed, knowing this day would come where I have to tell him my even deeper darker secrets.

"Bad memories, okay?" I told him as he looked down. I knew he wasn't gonna push it any further as I went into the bathroom and showered. I got out and laid down on the bed as Dustin wrapped his arm around my waist. I sighed and closed my eyes.


"Hey mommy, can I go out and walk the dog?" I asked as my momma smiled at me.

"Sure sweetheart, but be back before dark. Remember, your bedtime is now 8:30 since you turned 10 yesterday" She said happily. I swirled and went to go get my dog, Arthur. He was a little boxer/pit-bull with a short stub for a tail. He jumped up and down as I hooked the lease on him and brought him out of the yard and started going down the path next to the woods.

I kept walking until Arthur growled a little. I tensed up as some of the bushes rustled next to me. I tensed as a fox sprinted out of the bush. I sighed and smiled, continuing our walk.

Suddenly, Arthur barked again.

"Agh!" I screamed as Arthur yanked away from me, making me fall. I finally got up and ran into the woods. I ran after him as my knees stung from the fall. I decided to rest in a small clearing and Arthur was nowhere to be found.

"Arthur! C'mon boy!" I whistled and yet, no response. There was a loud yelp on a side of the clearing and I sprinted towards it.

I smelled the air and where I was. This was our border. If I go over it, mommy and daddy say that I will be a bad wolf... I think it's called a rouge. Another yelp rang through the air as I took my chances and crossed the border. I ran my small legs to another clearing and saw some dark figures in the clearing.

I looked closer and saw that they were wolves... True wolves, not werewolves. I choked out a sob as my poor doggy was laying on the ground as his breathing was slow. He looked bloodied as I tried not to sob loudly.

I slowly backed away, scared for my life as a small twig snapped under my feet. I looked back at the wolves, and grey one, looked right at me. A large growl came from it as I moved my stiff legs into a dead sprint out of there.

"Ouch!" I screamed as I tripped and another growl came from behind me. Just then, large jaws clamped around my calve as I screamed again in pain.

The large real wolf shook my small body as my pant leg was shredded and the wolves teeth had entered my flesh. I tried hard to kick it away as the other wolves were circling me. I knew I was dead.

Just as a brown wolf was about to grab my arm, I heard a loud bark come. It was Arthur!

Arthur tackled down a large black wolf and snapped it's neck. I held in my vomit as he did the same to 3 of the others until only the grey one stood left. I was more shocked then in pain. I mean, my doggy is killing large wolves to protect me?!

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