Chapter 27--> Forgiveness

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Paige's POV
I was still frozen as Jace towered over Tammy's still body. I could see Ethan getting up as he stared shocked as did Dustin.

Jace... Has a mate.

'Jace, she's fatally wounded. If we don't get her back now, she could die.' I saw through the link, trying to get closer, but I was met by growls. I stared at him, using all the alpha power I had let.

'God damn it Jace! She dying!' I yell as the others were now staring at me. Jace even bows his head a little a turns back to Tammy. He hoists her on her back as he suddenly sprints off toward the pack house.

'C'mon, we need together there quickly.m' I command the others as we all run after Jace. We all met and shifted back at the pack house as the pack doctors all tookTammy into a medical room. Jace almost tore out their throats when he heard her whimper in pain. It took 5 guys to hold him back to prevent him from seeing the iv's and stuff get hooked up.

Two hours of impatient waiting till we found out she was stable enough to visit even though she was unconscious. We went in with Jace and scanned her previous clothes for any extra weapons, but found none.

Suddenly Maya burst into the room with tears in her eyes.

"Please d-don't hurt Tammy! She was so nice and she saved me!" Maya cried as Jace hugged her.

"Don't worry sis, she's umm... How do I put this. She my mate sweetie and I'm not letting anyone touch her." He figuratively just warn all of us with our lives if we did anything to her, which made most of us gulp. I'd never seen Jace act this way before, but then again, he's been waiting for his mate for a long time now.

"Don't worry Jace. From what I saw back at that clearing, she is now under full protection of the BlackMoon pack and soon to be member if she chooses." I say as he quickly turns and hugs me.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He says happily as Maya joins and we all smile and laugh. Ethan, Kate, and Dustin enter the room as well as I smile at Dustin but am met by a glare. What the hell?!

"Paige, I need to talk to you. Now." He says calmly but still keeping his mad expression on. I gulp and walk out of the room with him as he suddenly grabs my arm and yanks me all the way to our room. Once the door was closed he turns to me and a feeling of dread falls over me.

'We are so dead.' Des says as I inwardly agree with her.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Just going after her like that without even telling us? Are you ducking crazy?! What would I have done if you got hurt or captured or even worse?! I would die without you Paige! Why the fuck can't you see that you mean the world to me and that when you do these stupid reckless things you scare the shot outa me and it just makes me wanna lock you up so you don't as much break a single nail! You're my everything and you literally gave me a heart attack when you just bolted out of the training room, not to mention the fact that Ace was going crazy and broke a warriors arm because of it! God damnit Paige! I love you to God damn much to ever want you to leave my side!" He yells as I wince. He's right... I was stupid and reckless. If I hadn't been a white wolf, those other wolves could've captured or even killed me. Dustin was pacing back and forth running his finger trough his hair as tears brimmed my eyes.

I put him through so much. He said he loved me. Even broke another guys arm out of worry. I let the tears fall as I run over to him and hug him from behind, crying into his back.

"I'm so sorry. You're right. I was stupid and reckless. I didn't think at all what any consequences would be. I was just so worried about Maya that my instinct just took over. I caused you so much worry and I'm so sorry. I love you more than anything and I made you worry that much. Please forgive me. I'm so stupid!" I cried harder until he immediately turned around and engulfed me into a hug, sniffing my scent and kissing my mark.

"Paige, you're not stupid. I was just an ass and was so worried that it slipped out. You are the most smartest person I've met and the most caring. You're also the best Luna any pack pull ever have and I had the privilege of being your mate. From now on let me be by your side so I can protect you for all eternity. Don't ever leave me. I love you to much." He says into my neck as my water works stop and I hug him tightly back. He cups his hands around my face and bring me in for a passionate kiss as I moan into it, making him growl and lift me so my legs encircled his waist as he held me up by my butt. Our kids grew even more heated as he brought me over to the bed and laid me down, kissing me even more passionately, earning more moans escaping my lips.

He suddenly stops and gets up as I whimper for him to return.

"I-I won't be able to holdback any further... Ace is already at his max tolerance for this." Ha sad and sits on the edge of the bed. I sit up and hug his back as I sniff in his scent.

"It's okay... I-I need you Dustin. I want our bond to be complete. I want to be only yours and you only mine." I mutter as he tenses and turns to give me a soft kiss.

"Are you sure? I can't hold him or myself off much longer." Dustin says with a tense voice. I can only nod without finding my own as he lays me back down and starts kissing me again as more moans and growls fill the room.

We were perfect... We were complete...


YES! Finally! I've been waiting for the perfect moment to have them complete the mating process! Finally it has come, but how do you like Tammy? Think the drama ends here? Hell no! Just wait for the next chappie and you'll see a big surprise! Since this book is nearing its end, I just wanna say that there WILL be a sequel to it. I'm not gonna say how many chapters are left for it cause I'm a bad estimator so no answer there.

Enjoy life my lovelies! YOLO!


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