3 POV: Kyle

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TW, slurs

I sit in my room, curtains drawn, lights off, laid on my back and watching the plain ceiling.

"Bubby, come down!" a voice calls from outside my room.

I sigh, sitting up, then wincing from the blurring of my sight caused by the rush of blood in my head. "Coming, Ma!" I yell back, standing and stretching my back.

I head to my bedroom door, stepping outside into the hallway, then going down the stairs and into the living room.

By no surprise, Kenny sits on the couch next to my mother and father, grinning widely without his parka on.

His smile is wide and sharp, and his dirty blonde hair pushed back behind his pointy ears, pierced many times, all done by himself.

"Kyle, dear!" my mother says, clapping her hands together in joy. "Sit, sit!"

I take a seat in one of the armchairs shunned to the side of the room, glaring cautiously at my mother who's in an unusually good mood.

"Kyle, me and your mother have been talking to your good friend Kenny." my dad says, unsmiling.

I look to Kenny, who waves at me. I roll my eyes.

"Well, he gave us a marvellous idea!" my mother announces, an unrealistically large and unnecessary smile still plastered on her face.

"Yes, Ma?"

She clears her throat, before speaking up again. "We have decided to send you to school!" I pause. "You'll be going to the same classes as Kenny so you won't be alone. I've got a lovely hat you can use to cover your ears, and you can just lie about the teeth. This'll be marvellous!"

In shock, I tilt my head. "Wait, what?"

"You can learn about human traditions and the world and whatever! Fun, right?" she finishes, still flashing that award-winning smile.

"Your mother and I think it's about time you get out of the house and learn a bit more. Learn to read, for example." my dad chips in, before returning to agreeing silence.

"What?" I repeat.

Kenny starts giggling. "Dude, you can come to my school with me, and it'll be fine. You can do something with your life."

Raising my eyebrows in confusion and surprise, I stare at the group of three sitting infront of me on the main couch. "Is this a joke? Because if it is, you're not funny. None of you."

"Bubby, we think it's time you make more friends. More human friends."

"Ma, I'm a vampire, incase you've forgotten. I don't exactly blend in well!" I scoff, standing up. "Fine, I'll go to this stupid school, but if someone finds out I'm not human and end up getting me captured before I quite literally murder every damn human in that facility, then I swear on all seven layers of hell that I'm snitching on every single one of your asses, and you can all experience these dumb vamp trials, and feel as those idiots stab stakes into us, expecting us to die. And I guarantee, that will most likely happen, because if you think I'm so capable of blending in with those dumb fucking socially rejected, pathetic excuses of skinsuits that label themselves as humans, then you'll be oh so shocked to find out that I don't know the first thing about acting human. Goodnight." I ramble, before storming off.

"Bubby, wait-"

"-Just leave him, Mrs Broflovski." Kenny smiles, giving her a reassuring look. "I'll talk to him."

I storm back up the stairs and into my bedroom, locking the door behind me and collapsing onto my bed in frustration.

Not even a minute later, Kenny knocks multiple times on the door. "Kyle?"

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