22 POV: Kyle

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TWs, mention of sex (again)

"NO WE DID NOT FUCK." I chase the brunette down the stairway, before tackling him to the ground the minute he steps foot in the living room.

"Oww, Kahl, stop!" he whines in complaint, trying to push me away.

Stan comes up behind and pulls me away from Cartman.

"They fucked?" Tweek asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Knew it." Craig shrugs, and Clyde nods in agreement.

"No, we didn't fuck." Stan clarifies, as I stand up beside him.

Jimmy then asks, "Then what did you d-d-do?"

We both pause, and I feel my face heat up from the memory of what we did. Especially after Stan and I's kiss, I still feel the urge to be near him and keep him close to me. I don't want him to go away, I want him.

"Uh, not much." the noirette mumbles, and I look down to see his face even redder than mine.

"Not much?" Red repeats. "Doesn't look like it."

"Not that it's any of your business," I snap, crossing my arms.

Tolkien raises his hands in defence, smiling. "Woah, calm down."

I glare at the boy. He's so casually acting like one of them. Like he doesn't have a bodycount to his name, I think to myself, clenching my fists. Why the fuck did he have to be a vampire? And why'd he have to find out I'm one too?

Now, thanks to him, I can't even be alone without the risk of that bitch appearing from nowhere and killing me. He's so frustrating, I just want to-

"Ky?" Stan says, nudging my shoulder. I look down at him in slight surprise, tearing my gaze away from the other boy.

"Huh?" I mumble, holding eye contact with him.

"You were spaced out," he replies with slight concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fi-"

"-God, they're practically eye-fucking eachother right now. Go get a room." Cartman interrupts, rolling his eyes.

I sigh, walking over to return to my seat on the floor. Stan follows, taking a seat to my left.

"You sure you're okay?" he whispers to me, catching my attention.

Maybe I should tell him what happened. He already knows everything, except that it was Tolkien who killed and drank Butters. He doesn't even know Tolkien's a vampire, and we're sat on his floor right now.

"Kyle?" Stan whispers slightly louder, poking my arm.

"Hm-? Oh, uh, sorry." I apologise, earning a confused and worried look from the beautiful boy next to me.

"Don't apologise. What's on your mind?" he smiles at me.

My gaze flickers from Stan to the others in the circle, all deep in conversations with eachother, except for one certain vampire who glares daggers at me.

I look back to Stan. "It's... uh... I can't really..." I lower my voice, mumbling, "I can't say here."

The boy raises an eyebrow, but nods slowly in understanding. "Alright. Do you want to...?"

I nod back at him, before taking his hand and standing up.

The rest of the group turn to us, as we start walking towards the staircase.

"Uh, where're you guys going?" Tolkien asks casually, confused.

I glare at him in response.

"Oh, just upstairs. I need to... use the bathroom?" Stan speaks up, filling the awkward silence.

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