16 POV: Stan

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drama packed chapter💥‼️

TWs, fighting, violence, a lot of arguing

5 days before the party at Tolkiens.

Today is monday after school. Kenny and Kyle are at my house, listening to my theories.

"So," I start, pacing around my bedroom. "I printed out the picture I took of the evidence from six days ago. Six days, I think? Anyways,"

The two boys sat on my bed exchange glances.

"I tried to trace around the frame of the killer, to figure out what kind of build they have to compare to the other people in South Park. After comparing most of the images I stol- acquired," I clear my throat, smiling nervously. "The killer was the average height of our age, and a similar body type to us too. So the killer has to have been one of us, or our classmates."

"Wait," Kyle speaks up, taking a stance. "What happens when you find out who this vampire is? Will you kill him or something?"

I pause. "I, uh..." didn't think that far ahead. "That doesn't matter," I wave off his question with a dismissive gesture, causing Kyle to raise an eyebrow in confusion, before returning to his seat.

"Right," Kenny mumbles, unconvinced.

"I managed to minimise our options based on the rough sketch I did of our suspects body shape. Definitely not Cartman,"

Kyle snickers in amusement, before quickly returning to silence.

"So I've gotten it down to Craig, Clyde, Red, Kevin, who's dead, arh-eye-pea, Tolkien, and both of you."

"Woah woah woah," Kenny stands up abruptly, clearly annoyed. "Us?"

"Well, yeah." I shrug. "I thought it was given that I couldn't just... not suspect you guys. I mean,-"

"-What if it's you?" the blonde interrupts, stepping closer. "What if you're the killer, and this is all just one big cover-up to conceal your identity?"

My eyes widen in surprise. "Why the fuck would you think I killed Wendy? Heidi? Butters? Butters was in my fucking band, Kenny." I scoff, glaring at the standing boy. "Don't be a such a stuck-up dick, Ken. I'm starting to suspect it was you who killed them all."

Kenny shoves me almost instantly, and I fall back against the chalkboard, knocking it over with a loud crash. "I didn't kill Butters, you selfish bitch, what the fuck!? How could you accuse me of that?"

I turn around, looking at all my hard work scattered randomly across the carpet of my floor. Anger fills me whole, and I turn back to Kenny, infuriated.

"What the fuck! I spent days on that, Kenny."

"Don't be such a dick then!"

"Guys, stop." Kyle interrupts, still sat on my bed, though both me and Kenny seem to ignore him.

"Me? A dick? Well I'm sorry for having the motivation to figure this shit out, asshole! Atleast I'm doing something, unlike you, who just sits there all day moping like a fucking child!" I snap, rolling my eyes.

"Fuck you, dude." Kenny says, throwing a punch at me. I dodge his punch, grabbing his wrist in my own hand.

His skin is cold to the touch - stone cold. I knee him in the stomach, watching him cough, before using his other hand to punch my gut.

I recoil, letting his wrist free.

"Fucking stop!" the redhead calls out, standing up.

A sharp pain hits my leg as I buckle to the floor. I look up at Kenny, holding a book.

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