17 POV: Stan

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(i'm glad some of you guys got the fnaf reference)

TWs, 🙋‍♂️ all of you guys' comments wtf

4 days until the party.

"Alright honey, do you need me to stay and take care of you?" my mom says, taking my temperature.

"No, mom, It's fine." I insist, before she sighs and nods.

"Okay, message me if you need anything. I love you."

"Love you too."

My mother walks out the house with her car keys, Shelly close behind.

Today is tuesday, and I've convinced my mom that I'm sick, and can't go to school today in the hopes that I can spend the day with Kyle and Kenny to try and figure out more about vampires, and who could've killed Butters, Wendy and the others.

I'm surprised, and kind of hurt, that I was never told about who they actually were. I understand the risks coming with many people knowing about their species, but it just confuses me.

Kenny has been my closest friend for years. How did I not notice the patterns?

A knock on the door catches my attention. I answer it, sighing.

"I told you, mom, I'm fi-"

In the doorway stands Kyle, smiling happily at me. "I'm not your mom, but hi."

"Kyle! Hi!" I step aside, giving the boy space to walk inside.

I take him to my living room, sitting next to him on the couch.

Looking at the boy, I notice that his cheek has mostly healed, though he has another smaller mark above his jawline.

"If you don't mind," I start. "I have some things I'd like to test. Like, things about vampires and stuff, to help us find out who the vamp killing everyone is."

"Alright, stuff like what?" the redhead replies, taking his hat off. "You know the basics for vampires - pointed ears, sharp teeth and cold skin."

"I didn't know the skin temperature thing, actually." I comment, giving the boy a shy smile.

"Well, now you do."

I stand up, heading to my kitchen and rummaging through the back of some higher cabinets. I soon return with a mirror, a stake, and some garlic, putting them all on the table.

"Woah, where did you get the stake?" Kyle asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Black market," I mumble.


"Nothing. So," I clear my throat, holding up the hand mirror. "Reflection test."

The boy looks awkwardly at the mirror, then back at me. "What?"

"Vampires don't have reflections, right?" I tell him unsurely, putting the mirror down.

"That's a dumb myth, of course we have reflections. Everything has a reflection, why would we be different? We're still somewhat human-looking, just like you." Kyle responds, eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. "Didn't you know that?"

"Pfft, yeah, of course I did. Just testing." I lie, waving him off with a gesture of my hand.


I pick up the piece of garlic, inspecting it for a second. I look up at Kyle, who looks back awkwardly.

"Is this gonna kill you?" I ask, holding the garlic away from him.

"No." he says bluntly.

I move the garlic closer to him, studying his reactions. He starts to sneeze.

"Oh!" I hum in surprise, keeping the garlic close to the vampire. He continues sneezing, to my amusement, before batting my hand away.

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