13 POV: Stan

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(i'd like to sincerely apologise for making Tolkien such a bitch, it's significant to his and Kyles rivalry for future chapters😞. the point of their lore is that they're enemies, guys. pls. i had to find some way to anger Kyle and he has a soft spot for Stan so like yeah💯‼️)

(also fluff chapter as my apology)

no tws :3

The minute the bell rings, I throw all my equipment loose into my backpack, before zipping it shut and throwing the strap around my shoulder. I'm one of the first to leave the classroom, as I instantly scan the barren hallways for the redheaded boy.

The corridors quickly fill with students of all ages rushing out all at once, eager to get out, and I find myself being carried by the stampede of classmates, guided towards the exit.

I slip out of the crowd, making my way down towards all of the lockers that line the walls.

When I arrive at my locker, Kyle isn't anywhere in sight. I sigh, impatient and excited to see him, as I lean against the closed and locked lockers.

A minute passes, before I hear an "excuse me."

I turn to the right to see Tolkien, and we meet eye contact. "Hm?" I hum.

"Sorry, you're blocking my locker," he says, shooting me an apologetic smile.

"Oh- sorry," I reply, stepping aside as the boy then swivels the numbers of the lock into the right combination, grinning at the click of success.

He opens his locker, pulling out some school books. I watch him the whole time, out of boredom.

Huh? I question myself, raising an eyebrow as I inspect the side of Tolkiens face.

His cheek is bruised.

I look away, thinking. He went off with Kyle, right? Over lunch. They went to talk about something, I forgot to ask Ky what about.

And they both are now conveniently injured? Even more, Kyle's denying it too. That's... strange.

"Done. Thanks," Tolkien thanks me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, that's alright. Bye." I respond, waving goodbye. He waves back, smiling as he walks away.

When he disappears, I turn back around to lean back against the lockers.

"What was that."

A voice surprises me, and I turn my head to see Kyle to my left.

"Oh, hey Ky." I say, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"What did you guys talk about?" Kyle asks me,
eyes lingering on the spot Tolkien left from.

I bite at the inside of my cheek, slightly confused. "Not much. I was blocking his locker so he asked me to move, that's all."

"Okay." the ginger sighs, his face softening slightly. "Ready to go?"

I nod, smiling. We walk down the hallway together, exiting the school while chatting about whatever came to mind.

Not long later, we arrive at my house, and I fumble with my keys to unlock the front door.

"Hi mom!" I call out into the house as Kyle walks in behind me. "I brought a friend round if that's okay!"

My mom sits on the couch, but she turns her head at the sound of my voice. "Stanley! How was school? Who's your little friend?"

"This is Kyle," I say, nudging the redhead into view.

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