29 POV: Stan

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now i don't usually plan my books. i just write them on the spot and see where it goes, but all of your theories have encouraged me to write an actual plan. so i have the ending set in stone, and it's gonna be one hell of a rollercoaster.

if you guys have any theories on how you think the book'll go, please comment them here, they're so fun to read!!



"It doesn't make sense!" I snap in frustration, pacing around my room. "Who would he be working for? It's so... ugh."

"Idunoh," Kyle mumbles between sips of blood, childishly swinging his legs off the edge of my bed.

"Would it be one of his friends? Craig's gang? Like, maybe Clyde."

"It'd be pretty badass if it was Tweek." the redhead shrugs, and I roll my eyes.


"Why don't you just go... ask... Tolkien?" the vampire stands up from my bed, putting the empty glass on my bedside table. "You, me and Kenny. We can go to his house and ask him."

I think for a moment. "I mean, I guess, but would it be that easy?"

"Let's find out."

We share eye contact for a moment, before smiling and nodding. I pull out my phone, opening Kennys contact, and sending him a message, requesting to meet up.


The three of us approach the large gated house known to be Tolkiens.

Letting ourselves inside to the lawn, we make it to the front porch, before knocking firmly on the front door. To our surprise, Tolkiens father answers.

"Oh, Mr Black. Is Tolkien in?" Kenny asks, smiling.

The man hesitates, his gaze hovering on the blonde, before he sighs. "I have some... unfortunate.. news."

"What?" Kyle says.

"Tolkien died, last night."

My heart drops. No, no fucking way. This is all too convenient. I take a deep breath, looking down. I remember he said about how someone was taking everything too far.

Is someone responsible for Tolkien's death?

"How did he die?" I ask quite suddenly. "I mean- if you don't mind me asking!"

Tolkiens dad hesitates for a moment. "He was... he died in an accident. A very unfortunate accident."

I glance at the two on my sides. Kyle appears to be surprised, and speechless. Kenny too seems to have an expression of shock.

"I'm... I'm sorry for your loss," I manage out. "We should be going."

Within a second, the door closes, and the three of us quickly exit from the front lawn.

"Wow, I'm... he died?" Kyle mutters, staring at the paved floor infront. "I know we weren't close, but... this just feels so surreal..."

"This can't be a coincidence." I snap, frustrated by the amount of obstacles stopping me from finding out the full story. "Accident? Fucking likely. Bet he's covering it up. It was the asshole he worked for, wasn't it?"

"We don't know if he works for anyone yet, remember?" Kenny chips in, his face filled with just as much concern. "He said someone had taken it too far, but that doesn't mean he worked for that person. They could just be acquaintances."

"Whatever happened, there's no wat it was an accident." I conclude, sighing in defeat. "There had to be something more, something to hint what caused all of this. Maybe there's still some way we can figure everything out, and-"

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