19 POV: Stan

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TWs, none i believe

0 days until the party.

I stand before my mirror, inspecting my reflection. I wear casual clothing, all ironed and uncreased. My hair, I washed three times to give it a less greasy look. Still stuffed under my hat, though.

I'm meeting up with Kyle in five minutes. He's supposed to meet me at my house, so we can talk for fifteen minutes before we leave for the actual party, that starts in thirty.

Startling me, I hear the doorbell ring. He's early, I think to myself, answering the door to see the boy.

He wears lazy clothes, still looking amazing as always. His springy ginger hair curls his face perfectly, and his smile is genuine when he sees me.

"Hi Stan, sorry I'm early." Kyle apologises, a sheepish grin on his face.

I blush slightly, smiling back. "No, it's fine. Come in."

Kyle had agreed to meet me early before the party - partly to walk with me in because we don't want to enter alone, and partly to help me piece together an idea on who the vampire that killed everyone could be, just incase they end up being someone at the party.

The boy steps inside and into my living room.

"Uh, can I get you a water or something?" I ask him, turning around and heading into the kitchen before he could even respond.

"Sure, why not." the redhead replies, shrugging.

He follows me into the kitchen, as I grab a glass from the cupboard and bring it under the sinks tap. Filling the glass, I pass it to the boy.

"Thanks." He smiles, and I smile back.

"No problem."

Then, he follows me up to my room, taking a seat on my bed while cupping the glass in his pale hands.

I had lifted the board back up since Kenny knocked it down, and then I added evidence photos of the waiter Kyle had killed the other day, just for reference.

"Okay, look." I start, turning to face the cork-board. "Here's the waiter you killed."


"Don't apologise, it's fine. Here-" I point at the neck injury, where two deep holes lie in the corpse of the mans throat. "As you can see, this is his injury. I measured the distance and size of the fang bite, to give us a basic idea on vampire teeth structure."

I rummage through my drawers, pulling out a piece of cutout paper I had made earlier that morning.

Lifting the paper in my hands, I place the slightly transparent thing infront of the crime photo.

"See how they align?"

Kyle nods, looking intently at my work. "It's well cut out. A life-size imprint of my teeth - that's just what I wanted you to have for this party."

"I know, right?" I grin, proud of myself. "It took me a while and a lot of takes, but I cut it out pretty well I'd say."

"I'm proud." The boy says monotonously, taking a sip of his water, before setting the glass to the side. "I don't know why I accepted a drink. I don't drink water."

"Don't vampires have the need for hydration?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

"No, we get hydrated from blood. Feasting is like our daily meals and drinks. Well, not daily. Every three days or something." the redhead replies, wavering his hands in strange gestures.

"Oh, cool. How long can a vampire survive without blood?"

"Hmm... two weeks. Like a human without food." he tells me, as I take a seat next to him on the bed.

"Don't you get dehydrated then?" I further question him, looking intently into his beautiful green eyes.

"Well, not exactly. A vampire without blood won't die until two weeks later. We still live until then, we just... I don't really know. I've never experienced it." Kyle says unsurely, shrugging.

"Ohh, that makes sense."

"Doesn't your kind get sick from overeating? It's unhealthy to feast every day for a vampire. Especially three times each day." the boy questions, looking at me with sincere worry.

"No, we have to eat every day."


"Because otherwise we get hungry, I don't know."

"Oh. Your human traditions are..." Kyle pauses, searching for a right word to use.

"Unhealthy?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He shakes his head. "Confusing."

I nod in response to his opinion, giggling slightly. "Sure, let's go with confusing then."

The redhead joins in with his own laughter, and I grin at the sight of the boy enjoying himself, especially since the reason being something I had said. I'm glad I make him laugh, I think to myself, blushing slightly at the sappy thoughts flooding my mind. Ugh, shut up Stan.

"Oh, where was I?" I suddenly interrupt his giggling, standing up abruptly and receiving the slightly transparent paper from off my desk. "So," I clear my throat.

Pointing to the corpse of the waiter, I repeat my point. "See his neck injury? Well, I traced out the distance and the width of the teeth, and put them on this paper. Here is the measurements of your teeth, Ky."

"Thank you, I've always wanted a detailed copy of my teeth placement written out on paper." he says, briefly taking the paper to inspect it, before passing it back to me.

I take the paper back, turning to the crime scene photos. Hovering the cutout over the injury in the image, I start talking again. "Here, we can see it align, showing you bit this guy."


"But here," I slide the cutout over towards the printed out photo of Butters' corpse. "The teeth don't align as well."

Sure enough, the two wounds on the actual photo  are further apart from eachother, meaning the injury could not have been caused by Kyle.

"They don't line up, meaning it wasn't you who bit Butters. And here, too."

I slide the paper over to the picture of Wendys' corpse, though just the image itself made my heart crumble.

I can't bare seeing her like that - bloodied, bruised, dead. I don't think I've really even accepted the fact she's dead. I still walk into class and expect her to be sat at her desk, smiling and talking with Bebe, or in the midst of a heated argument against Cartman.

The paper slips to her neck, positioned over the original wound on the image, and the sight makes my blood run cold.

"And, and here too." I say, holding the transparent paper over the crime scene photo for an extra second. "And with Heidi."

I drag the paper over the picture of Heidis' body, and then without narration, over Kevins' too.

"Yeah." Kyle says after some awkward silence. "So who could've killed them all?"

My hand - still clutching the paper cutout - falls to the side of my body limply.

"It has to be someone who hid their ears and teeth, or obviously someone who went through the effort to take extra measures to hide it." the redhead continues rambling.

Oh my god.

"Possibly Craig, because of his hat over his ears. Plus, the kid has braces. Maybe he fucked his teeth up while blunting them?"

He keeps talking.

"Or someone more subtle, like Tolkien. You know, it's probably Tolkien. I have, uh, a hunch. I don't trust him. Maybe we should bring garlic to his party?"

"It was you." I mumble, letting realisation sink in.

"Or we- huh?"

"You." I turn around, facing the pretty boy on my bed.

He watches me in quiet confusion. "Me?"

"You, you killed them. You killed them all."

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