11 POV: Stan

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TWs, a slur or two idk

For a few mornings, Kyle and Kenny have been taking in turns walking me to school every day in the hopes that the weird vampire killer person won't go after me.

Honestly, I'm starting to doubt that they even recognised me. I have quite a forgettable face, I'd say, so maybe the killer forgot what I look like.

Currently, it's Wednesday, and Kyle's walking me to the bus stop.

The sun is dim, the sky cloudy, and the wind slow and cool, with a nice breeze.

"Hey, have you joined any clubs or anything?" I suddenly ask the boy beside me, keeping my eyes on the path infront.

"Uh, no, I didn't realise the school had clubs. Why? Should I join one?" Kyle replies, turning to face me.

I turn to look at him too, as we continue walking in sync. "I mean, if you want to. They can be pretty fun."

"Are you in a club?"

I look back in my memory. "I used to be a quarterback for the football team, but I was kicked off for being a shitty quarterback."

The ginger beside me snickers slightly, trying to hide his grin. "You were kicked off?"

"Yeah, all my teammates decided I was shit and forced me to quit." I reply, giggling slightly. "It really hurt at the time but now it sounds kinda funny."

I keep my gaze on the pale boy, watching his lips curve in a smile, and his faded green eyes firmly stare at the path infront. The sight itself makes myself smile too.

"What club do you think I should join?" Kyle then says after some silence, and I think for a moment.

"Well, you could join a sports club, like football, basketball, netball, hockey, and more. Or an arts club, like art, drama, band, or anything like that. There's also a games club, I think." I inform him, counting the names on my hand.

"Are you in band club? I saw a guitar in your room the other day."

"Oh, no, I'm not in a club. I have a separate, makeshift band, but the music clubs themselves are shit." I say, excited to talk about my music.

"Ooh, what's your band name? Who's in it?" Kyle then asks me, and my smile widens at how he's actually intrigued by my interests, and happy for me to talk about them.

"Crimson Dawn! It has me, Kenny, Jimmy and Butters in it!"

I pause, as his name hangs in the air.

"Oh," the boy hums, "right."

The atmosphere becomes awkward after that, and we walk in uncomfortable silence.

Kyle speaks up again. "I'm sorry that, you know, he's gone."

"It's fine, really. I feel worse for Kenny, those two were really close. They probably had something going on between them, too," I respond, a sad smile on my face.

"Yeah." he agrees, before continuing. "Maybe I'll apply for a club at recess."

"Alright, you have any ideas which one?"

"We'll see, whichever looks cool."


As we approach the bus stop, I spy Kenny and Cartman already talking about something together. They hear us walking down the path, our shoes colliding loudly against the concrete pavement, and they both turn to face us.

"Oh, hey fags." Cartman says nonchalantly, and Kyle scowls in response.

"Quit it with that," the redhead snaps, glaring at the fat boy infront.

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