28 POV: Tolkien

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omg weird ass pov?? not kyle or stan !?!? gasp for me, guys

also this pov isn't as speech-heavy, it's more descriptive, and it's basically an explanation on tolkiens behalf saying why he did what he did, so buckle up cz it's one big backstory‼️

TWs, topics on debt, "blackmail" possibly? or just unwilling favours, you guys can decide on that. confusing lore, character death.


The sky is dark and clouded, the waning crescent moon hovering low and ominous in the sky, the sun reflecting dim light onto the empty town below.

In an isolated section of an alley rumoured "haunted", where gang fights occur, and delinquents go to hide, is eerily quiet and peaceful tonight.

Too peaceful to seem normal.

Usually, in the alley, you would atleast see some high-school rejects selling some sort of contraband or narcotics to underage boys, or some old-time drunks picking fights with random passer-bys. But tonight? Quiet. Suspiciously quiet.

Quiet, but not empty.

In the depths of the shadows, two college boys engage in a confidential conversation.

One boy, a vampire. He's entirely under the cloak of darkness, blended perfectly into the shadows, as if he could pass through them with ease if he wanted to.

Leaning against a wall, stands me. A human, despite my claims to others. An ordinary schoolboy with a rich family and a tendency to get dragged into unwanted trouble.

"They know?" the voice says suddenly, with a tinge of annoyance.

"Yeah." I mumble in reply, disappointed in myself. "They would've figured it out anyways. Do you know how dumb my story sounded? Cutoff ears, and blunted fangs? It would've barely fooled a fourth-grader."

The vampires sighs, clearly bothered by my attitude. "The sass is... unnecessary."

"Is it? Is it though?" I scoff, taking a step forward away from the vandalised, graffiti-covered brick walls. "You made me fight Kyle till he nearly passed out, dude. You made me threaten him, then actually lie about my species. Do you know how fucked up that is?"

"Shut up."

"Why? Why should I shut up? For me to blindly continue following your orders like a shepherd's sheep? Like a starving dog, or a mind-slave?"

"You'll shut up if you know what's best for you. Don't make me go through unneeded measures, Tolkien. You know better than that."

I go quiet.

This boy.. this vampire, he has connections. Connections outside of school, outside of his family. He has contact with people I'd rather not get involved with. People with power, but not the kind of power that I've got.

They have the type of power that isn't determined by how much money's in your wallet, or how much cash your parents bring in after a week of work.

They aren't rich, but they have something that links to that topic of cash. They're loan sharks. They're people who sell their overpriced backyard meth for money, then give that money out as loans. Loans to people in need of urgent money. To the homeless, the needy, the greedy, the desperate. Anyone who takes it, falls deep into a pit of debt that they can't crawl out from.

To my inconvenience, my family are one of those unfortunates who have fallen under the influence of those loan sharks.

My father is a lawyer. A financial consultant. When he had originally opened up a weed farm next to Tegridy Farms, where Stan used to live before his parents divorced, my fathers newfound business wasn't going strong.

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