32 POV: Stan

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"Today we're here to honour the deaths of Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, Bebe Stevens, Tweek Tweak, and Tolkien Black."

The loud voice of the funeral officiant sounds across the large hall of the church.

"The loss of these significant people will impact us all, and they shall all be greatly missed."

Gatherings of families and friends stand in full black, formal clothing, all solemnly quiet as the officiant speaks.

"Brothers, sisters, daughters and sons. None of them deserved to go so early in their stages of life. Words cannot express the amount of grief that comes with this loss."

I sit in one of the rows with my mother and sister, silent as I watch the ceremony.

"And now, a speech."

A young girl walks towards the front on the stage, next to the coffin, holding a bunch of paper in her hands.

She clears her throat. "Uhm... hi, I'm Karen, and Kenny was my big brother." Karen starts talking, her voice sounding nervous and unsteady. "Kenny was... the best big brother ever. He was always there for me, and... always knew what to do in situations."

I glance to my right - Kyle and his parents and younger brother sit on the other side of the church, some distance away.

"He was always doing things for other people, and working his hardest. Kenny's my best friend. And.... I'm gonna miss him a lot." Karen sniffles, wiping some tears from her eyes with her sleeve. "I'll never forget him, he's irreplaceable... thank you all for coming."

Everyone politely applauds as Kennys little sister walks back to her family, breaking down into hushed tears.

"Thank you for that speech," the funeral officiant says, silencing the the rowels of applaud. "May God be with them all."


"Craig, wait up!" I call out, as everyone leaves the church.

The boy turns round, scowling as he lays eyes upon me. "What."

I take a moment to catch my breath. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" he snaps back.

Truthfully, no, he looks awful. Eyes red from crying, hair messy under his signature hat.

"Uhh... Not exactly."

"That answers it, then." Craig deadpans, before turning back around and continuing to walk away.

I watch him go, before the sight of curly red hair catches my eye. Kyle and his family head out the church, and I quickly run over.

"Kyle!" I call out, stopping the boy in his tracks.

He turns around, eyes falling upon me. In an instant, his face softens, and he smiles sadly. "Hey, Stan."

Kyle ushers his family to leave, before taking me suddenly by the hand and leading me away from the building. He takes me down the road, to a more private and secluded section of the street.

"Kyle, hi!" I say, once we stop at a bench in the park.

"Hello." he replies, with less enthusiasm.

"How've you been holding up?" smiling sympathetically, I take the boys hand in my own, in an action of comfort.

"It's been... difficult." Kyle responds, shrugging. He then pauses, before starting to tear up. "I just can't believe he's gone."

Instantly, I pull the redhead into a hug, holding him close to me. "I know. I miss him too."

"It just feels unreal, you know?" he sniffs, resting  his forehead on my shoulder. "It feels like one day I'll just wake up and he'll be there at the bus stop, like this was all one, big, twisted dream."

Sighing, I respond, "I understand what you mean. I guess I always thought Kenny would be around forever, and I took his company for granted. Attending a funeral, dedicated to others and him... it just, it feels wrong."

"He couldn't even have a funeral for himself. A funeral where it was just about him. I know he did bad things, but I think he should atleast get recognised at his own funeral, and not have to share it with three of his victims." Kyle snaps, clenching his fists as he sits back upright.

"Tight budget, I guess." I shrug.

"I... I just.. I don't know what to do now." the pretty redhead sighs, sinking his head into his hands.

"Well, I have an idea." I mumble, smiling slightly.

Kyle looks up at me. "What?"

"I mean, I promised I'd take you around Europe, didn't I?"

The vampire hesitates for a moment, his cheeks slightly tinted pink with blush, before he grabs my face and kisses me.

Though slightly taken aback, I melt into his touch, wrapping my arms around him protectively.

After a few moments, we part.

"Sorry, I just wanted to do that again." Kyle apologises, blushing profusely.

I smile in response, fighting the urge to squeal out in happiness. I'm such an idiot.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologise, I really don't mind." I assure the boy, connecting our hands back together.

"I- do you really mean it? That you'll take me around Europe?" he mumbles, an expression of awe and hope.

I nod in response, entwining our fingers together. "Wherever you want to go."

Kyle looks away, a wide smile on his face, and red dominating most of his face. "Thank you..."

In instinct, I slide a hand to the side of his face, and lean back in to kiss him gently, feeling as his hand slides to the back of my head, twirling his fingers through my hair.

Kyle pulls away an inch for a moment. "You have greasy hair," he hums, before reconnecting our lips.

After another few seconds, we part for good, both blushing and grinning.

"Rude." I pout, though smiling like a fool in love.

"Sorry." Kyle replies half-heartedly, making me giggle.


The End !!


and then they lived happily ever after on the peaceful calm countryside in a family house with two adopted children a dog and a cat they were happy they were happy they were happy it's a happy ending please be a happy ending the end

don't go yet, stay tuned for the epilogue😡😡
i promise it's worth reading, come back tomorrow for the release🗣️‼️

also thanks for all the enthusiasm about my Jokyo Park AU me and someone else have been working on >:3

if anyone can guess who i'm collabing with, then kudos for you, but i'd love to see all your guesses so please guess guys i wanna see who you think i'd have contact with x3

we've both got the main plot stream worked out, so we can start drawing the actual thing soon!! no idea when it'll be officially released, but it will be published on this account!

lmk if you want to be notified!!

also if any of you didn't realise from the teaser i put on my conversations page, it is based on the purge, except it's a week long and drama-packed

anyways, thank you everyone for reading this book omg, i never rlly expected all you people to read it so hello everyone😭?

remember to stay for the epilogue tomorrow, i swear it's worthwhile‼️

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