14 POV: Kyle

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TWs, irrelevant death, mention of household issues, hinting to a variant of abuse.

I watch Stan start to fall asleep, though he faces away from me. I turn to face his back, looking closely at the tired boy.

He mumbles something under his breath, something very faintly. I pick up the word "Ky" being said, but can't quite understand the whole thing he whispered.

He's asleep, I think to myself, sitting up. I slept last week, so I'm not tired at all.

I feel my stomach rumble from hunger, and I wince at the loud noise, embarrassed despite being the only conscious person in the room.

I'm so hungry. I reach for my phone on Stans bedside table, opening Kennys contact and typing out a blood emoji, alongside a question mark.

"🩸❓", I send.

The response dings back as, "👍", and I smile in satisfaction.

Why learn to read when emojis exist?

I quietly climb out from under Stans duvet, stepping off his bed and sneaking to the window. Carefully, I unlock his window, pulling it open, and climbing outside.

The cold hits me quickly, as I start to shiver. Maybe it wasn't so smart, going out in one of Stans shirts, some checkered sweatpants, barefoot and jacket-less, late during a cold night.

I climb down the side of the house, landing on the floor and turning left and right. I'm not supposed to be alone right now.

A tap on my shoulder alerts me, as I jump forward in surprise, swinging round and prepared to throw a punch at whoever was there.

"Oh, my bad. Didn't mean to scare you," a blonde apologises, smiling.

"Kenny!" I smile back, lowering my hands. "That was fast."

"Well, Stan doesn't live too far off from me."

I grin, before pausing. "Wait, how'd you know I stayed the night at Stans?"


Kenny and I sit together in the back of an alleyway, both giggling and chatting under the shadow of darkness. A corpse lays between us, bled out and drained.

"Was this guy okay to kill?" I question, raising an eyebrow and pointing at the dead man.

"Oh, it's just Al Gore. It's fine." the blonde says in response, wiping some blood off of his lip.


After some more talking and laughing, we both stand up and head out the alley, leaving behind the dry remains of the mangled corpse.

"Wait," Kenny suddenly says, and I raise an eyebrow. "Are you shoeless?"

I look down, and yes, I am most definitely shoeless. "I left my shoes downstairs, I couldn't be bothered to go all the way down to get them."

Kenny inspects my outfit, confused. "Those aren't your clothes either."

"First for everything," I reply, shrugging.

"No, wait." he stops walking, turning to face me full on. "Those are Stans. The trousers are."

"Yeah." I confirm, continuing walking. "They are."

"Aw, you gonna select him?" the blonde grins, poking my shoulder.

"He isn't a vampire," I start, brushing his hand off. "I wouldn't be able to choose him."

"But you would if you could?" Kenny raises an eyebrow, smiling widely.

"I guess, but Ma would be mad. She says I need to find a vampire I can continue the legacy with, she might not be happy if I select a guy, and a human." I sigh, rolling my eyes.

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