24 POV: Stan

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(the end is near.)

TWs, violence

"Too bad that moment wont arrive."

Within a second, I see one shoe - specifically a high-heel - fly over my head, directly at Kyle. The heel hits him on his forehead, causing him to stagger back against the wall as blood starts to drip down the bridge of his nose.

I turn around in shock, being met with someone whom I didn't expect.

Someone armed with their other high-heel, holding it above their head, ready to swing at me.

"Bebe, what the fuck!?" I call out in shock, before limping over to Kyles side.

"Stay back." she snaps at me, swinging the heel.

I stumble backwards away from the dazed Kyle, as the blonde steps between.

"What are you doing!? He- Oh my god, Bebe what the fuck!?" I fumble for words, my eyes flickering between the armed, tearing-up blonde, and the pretty boy dripping in red.

"Stay back!" she repeats, and I continue stepping back into the room.

"Bebe, what are you doing." I ask, my voice low.

Glancing around the room, I notice Tolkien had been sat upright, and placed in a seating position, leaning against the wall, though still unconscious.

I start speaking again. "He's the bad one here, you know that, right?"

"Who, Kyle?" Bebe replies, her voice quivering.

"No, Tolkien."

"I know."

I pause, confused.

Bebe sniffles, using her free hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks.

"Then... why are you on his side? Why did you hit Kyle? I'm so confused, Bebe, we- we worked on the suspect board together, we figured out the vampires together, we-"

The blonde interrupts, "-No, you figured out the vampires. You figured out all the shit about Kyle and Kenny. But I didn't. You didn't tell me, even after I helped you get those crime scene photos. You didn't tell me anything. But Tolkien did."

"Tolkien told you?" I mumble, feeling guilty for not telling her what I knew when I had found everything out.

"Yeah. I know what he did, and why he attacked Kyle, and frankly, I think you and Kyle don't understand. You're not allowing yourselves to understand. You're just calling him a dick and continuing with your life like the cynical assholes you both are!" Bebe scoffs, heel still raised in her hand.

"Bebe, stop it. This isn't right, okay? Just put the shoe down, and we can help Kyle."

"Maybe I don't want to help Kyle." she shrugs, laughing half-heartedly. "Maybe I want to keep helping Tolkien."

"But why? He's the one who-"

"-Just shut up! You don't know anything, you don't know anything at all, so stop acting like you've got this whole thing figured out!" Bebe shouts, rubbing more tears from her eyes.

"I do, though! Tolkien killed Butters and attacked Kyle, and me! I'm fucking bleeding, Bebe! Put down the shoe and stop fucking around!"

"If you think I'm fucking around then take another look at Kyle!" she snaps, pointing to the redhead slouched against the wall, hand on his forehead with blood dripping through his fingers.

I clench my fists, anger bubbling in my blood. "Okay, Bebe, so what now then? Now that you're on Tolkiens side, for whatever reason - for whatever stupid, reckless, unreasonable-"

"-By staying on Tolkiens side, he can guarantee Clydes' safety!" she yells, lowering her shoe.

I stay quiet at her sudden outburst, my mind racing.

"Tolkien is the only vampire who kills students in and out of the school. By making a deal with him, I've convinced him to leave Clyde out of it." she hisses through gritted teeth, her grip tight around the base of the shoe heel.

"So you did this for Clyde?" I mumble, taking another look at the two bleeding vampires on each side of the room.

Bebe scoffs. "No, I didn't. I did this for Tolkien. And Tolkien, in repayment, is not going to plan on eating Clyde if anything were to happen."

I start to understand, though still confused. "Are you serious? You really attacked Kyle just for Tolkien to not kill your boyfriend?"

"Yes!" she replies with an exasperated sigh of relief. "Yes, Stan! I don't want Clyde to die! Surely you atleast understand that?" Tears spill from her eyes, and she doesn't bother to wipe them away. "I love him and I want him to be safe! I know what I'm doing - what I've done - is such an awful thing to do, but what choice do I have? It's the only way! Do you know how dangerous Tolkiens family is? They're rich, they could find me and Clyde anywhere we want to run away to! This is the only way, Stan. I can't run from this."

I shake my head in disbelief. "Then kill him! Just kill Tolkien and run away! It'll buy time, atleast!"

"I don't want to kill anyone!" Bebe sobs, dropping the shoe so it clatters onto the floor with a thud, then raising her hands to hide the tears streaking down her face. "I don't want anyone to die, I just want it to go back to before! To how it always was - god, I miss Wendy so much! She always knew what to do, and I'd give anything for her to be back!"

"Wendy isn't coming back, Bebe, get over it!" I snap back, standing up straight. "She's gone, and there's nothing we can do about it. Now I don't know about you, but I don't feel like dying."

I walk over to Tolkiens unconscious body, checking his pulse to see if he's still breathing.

"What are you doing-?" she stammers, her shaky hand lowering back down towards the shoe.

"I'm going to keep Kyle safe. And Clyde, if that's how it's going."

The blonde pauses at the second name, before sighing. "What do you think you can do? There's no way any of us are safe after this. After everything."

"I... I don't know. I'll try and convince him. He got mad at Kyle for killing poorly, right?" I ask, standing back up and facing the girl.

"Well, in a way, I guess."

"So then I'll move away with Kyle." I shrug, and the girl looks at me in confusion.


"I'll move away with him. He told me he wants to see Europe, so I'll take him to Europe. That way, he wont anger Tolkien by killing in his area, and there's no reason to be violent."

Bebe hesitates, before taking a deep breath. "Maybe... maybe that is for the best."

I take off my jacket, before tearing the arm sleeve off. "Alright. So when Tolkien wakes up, I'll talk to him. I'll need your help, though."

She nods, while watching me closely as I walk over to Kyle. I slowly lower him to the ground, before tying the arm of my jacket around his injury, working as a bandage.

"I'm... I'm sorry." the blonde suddenly whispers, wiping smudged mascara on her cheek. "I'm sorry for hitting Kyle, I'm sorry for threatening you, I'm sorry for making this deal with Tolkien, and... I'm sorry for everything."

"Stop, Bebe." I interrupt, before continuing. "I'm sorry too. But it's already happened now, okay? Don't feel bad, because we can still fix this, and it can all work out. Alright?" I reassure her, smiling at her in an attempt to make her feel better.

She takes a deep breath, before nodding.

"I just... I need your help, Bebe. I need one last favour from you, to help me with Tolkien. Can you be there with me while I talk to him? I think your company could help." I ask her, smiling guiltily.

I'm so sorry you got caught up in this bullshit, Bebe. This was never your mess to fix.

Bebe pauses, contemplating something in her mind, before speaking out. "I.. okay. I'll help you. But you have to help me with something in return."

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