4 POV: Stan

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TW, MANY slurs (Cartman), mention of sex

I sigh impatiently as the bus goes on down the road towards the school. I can't focus on the music blasting through my headphones, or the trees passing by in the cloudy windows.

My eyes are drawn to the friend Kenny brought along.

Though the strange looks of the new kid confuses me - bright, curly red hair stuffed messily under a green ushanka, oddly pale skin, defined facial features, and questionably sharp teeth - what confuses me more is how this kid just appeared.

Not once had Kenny mentioned friends outside of school. He has me, and Cartman, and Butters. He's acquaintances with most of Craig's gang, and half the girls. But he has never once spoken of knowing any teenagers his age outside of the classroom.

My eyes wonder to the ginger multiple times, and I continue looking away in embarrassment as I think of how weird I must seem.

Staring down the new kid, what a total creep.

The bus comes to a sharp halt outside school grounds, the aged doors creaking open, the unoiled joints screeching in retaliation.

I'm the third one off the bus, and I wait outside for my blonde friend and his new companion.

They step outside in sync, Kyle squinting against the sun, and Kenny giggling for whatever reason.

"Hey guys," I say, grinning.

"Hi," Kenny responds, leading me and Kyle away from the bus and towards school grounds, leaving Cartman behind still on the bus.

For the walk to our class, Kenny rambles on about a topic I don't pay attention too, and I watch intently at the ginger. I watch how he listens closely to the words escaping Kenny's mouth, at how he quietly laughs at small jokes.

Where did Kenny hide this kid for so long? I think to myself, admiring the boy.

Before I realise, we arrive outside the classroom. We all walk in together, heading to our normal seats, while Kyle awkwardly hovers beside the blonde, unsure on where to go.

I turn to Cartmans empty desk beside me, and hint for the new kid to steal the fatass' seat.

He takes it without hesitation, sitting uncomfortably upright in the chair, his posture surprisingly good.

After minutes of silence, the teacher starts talking. "Good morning class. I see none of you are dead, so that's a good start. So, can we-"

The door swings open, thudding against the wall, as Cartman walks in carelessly to his seat. "And I have arrived, th-" he pauses infront of his occupied desk. "What the fuck."

Kyle blinks a few times, confused. "What."

"That's my desk, retard. Move your ginger ass away." the fatass scoffs, slamming his hands on the desk surface, which causes Kyle to flinch slightly, an annoyed look on his face.

"Dude, I told him to sit there." I speak up, earning both boys attention. "Just find another seat, Cartman, it's not that deep."

"But this is my seat!" he frowns, glaring at me.

"Okay, well Kyle is new, so just leave him alone and let him stay there."

Cartman scowls at me. "God, you're such a faggot, Stan. No wonder Wendy left your gaywad ass, seeing your new oral-fucking buddy."

I raise an eyebrow in confusion, and Kyle tilts his head, a disgusted expression on his face. "I'm not oral fucking anyone, that's disgusting." he replies, looking concerned.

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