Chapter 7

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TW for this chapter: mild swearing

Just a heads-up: in this chapter, bolded text signifies that the characters are speaking in English. 

On a different note, it occurred to me while I was writing this chapter that baby stays might not know about Minho's potato poem. Since that is a terrible travesty, anyone who does not know what I'm talking about please google "Minho potato poem" and become enlightened. You're welcome baby stays. ;)

Happy reading!



You gotta stay with me

The next day, I decided to take Felix up on his offer and go over to the other dorm for a while, since Chan, Changbin and Jisung had gone to JYP for the day (but not before I'd helped pull Jisung out of bed—it really took a lot to wake him).

I knocked on Hyunjin's door before leaving; he opened it with his hair a tousled mess, making me suspect he'd just gotten up. "Sorry if I woke you," I said. "I just wanted to tell you I'm going over to the other dorm for a little bit. In fact, do you want to come?"

"I think I'll stay here, thanks," said Hyunjin, offering me a slightly tired smile. "I haven't had time to paint in a while. Have fun, though." He paused. "Actually, if you're going over to the other dorm already, could you do me a favor? I think I left my hoodie there yesterday—if you tell Felix or Seungmin, they can find it. Would you mind bringing it back for me?"

"Of course not," I said, happy to help. "See you later."

Since the car was gone, I walked, letting the cool breeze and the sounds of the city surround me.

This time, it was Minho who opened the door. "Oh, hi, Yeji-noona," he said, widening it so I could come in.

"Hi," I replied. Minho closed the door behind me just as Felix walked in. "Got any dishes for me?" I joked, hoping he'd remember his offer for me to come and not think I was intruding.

Felix's face brightened. "Hey, Yeji! What's up?"

"I'm here for Hyunjin's hoodie," I said. "Apparently he left it here last night."

"Hyunjin left his hoodie here?" Minho asked, frowning. "I haven't seen it..."

"I'll go look," Felix said, disappearing down the hallway.

"Why would Hyunjin make you come over here to get his hoodie for him?" Minho said, sitting down on the arm of the couch.

"Oh, it wasn't like that," I told him quickly. "I'd wanted to come over here anyway, and he said he was going to be painting for a while."

Minho snorted. "Of course. Hyunjin can be sensitive sometimes with his art." He smiled affectionately. "He lets STAY see it, but if any of us come close to his paintings he smacks our hands away like we're children."

I laughed at the mental picture. "Have you seen the drawing he did of you?"

"Yeah," said Minho. "He's done two, actually. One is in my room—wanna come see?"

"Sure," I said, following him down the hallway. We passed Felix, who was walking into Seungmin's room to ask about the hoodie.

Minho's room was decently clean: unlike Changbin's room, his floor was bare, not covered with clothes and books. He showed me a framed picture on his dresser. It was a sketch of Minho not unlike the one in Hyunjin's studio, but in this one, Minho's hair was a different color, and he was holding a cat.

Still A_Stray: Living With Stray Kids (ot8 fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat