Chapter 11

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Hey guys!

It occurred to me while I was writing this that I haven't told you guys anything about myself. And I wanted you all to know a little bit about me other than the fact that I'm a writer. So, here goes:

I'm Aviva, or Avi for short. I use she/her pronouns and I live in the U.S. on the west coast. I have one other story on Wattpad right now, a fanfic on the show Voltron: Legendary Defender. I'm a STAY, clearly, but I only discovered Stray Kids recently: about a year ago, I was over at a friend's house and she showed me the Maniac relay dance, then the music video for Red Lights, and I was a goner.

This was during the summer, so for the next four days after that, I barely left my room or YouTube, greedily sucking down every piece of skz content I could find. My watch history from those four days ... it's not pretty, y'all.

Anyway, after a while I leveled out and moved past that first obsessive stage, and started actually getting to know the members' dynamics and their music. Hyunjin was the one who first caught my eye, mostly because of his red hair in Maniac and the fact that my friend biases him, but I don't consider myself Hyunjin-biased. I can't choose them you guys, I'm selecting all. Everybody is both my bias and bias-wrecker. (shrugs)

My favorite song has changed a lot, but as of right now, it's probably either Phobia or Alien (by Han). I haven't been to any concerts or fansigns/fanmeets yet, but I'm hoping to go to Kcon in LA this year (2023).

I love hearing from you guys, so ... what are y'alls favorite songs? No judgement unless it's Can't Stop by Seungmin and I.N, in that case I will judge that you are the most wonderful person in the world and deserve every good thing that could ever happen to you.

Moving back to the story, I chose not to bold English for this chapter. Happy reading!


I'm right here, waiting for us

When you agree to go live with your rother and his seven frat-like K-pop idol roommates, no one ever tells you the dangers of doing so.

One danger being: sometimes, they will all sort of become a pile, and if you are caught in the middle of it, you will not be able to move for a good two hours of your own free will.

When I woke up, it was nearly impossible to tell where the members had been originally sitting. Hyunjin was lying over the entire row on the couch, with his head in Seungmin's lap and his feet in Changbin's face; Jisung had fallen off the couch sometime in the night, and now he and Minho were curled up together. Felix was sleeping on Minho's leg, his hand reaching up to the couch, where Hyunjin's hand dangled.

Chan was still snoring.

I attempted to disentangle myself and failed.

When Stray Kids slept, they were knocked out. With Hyunjin's ankles on my lap, Seungmin's arm slung over my elbow, and Changbin's arm wrapped around my shoulders, I couldn't move, no matter how much I tried.

After a few minutes of fruitless struggling, I gave up and settled back down into the couch. Next to me, Seungmin's arm tightened over my elbow in sleep. Minho mumbled something incoherent, frowning at Jisung, then repeated it louder: "You little ... try me, bitch ... I can motherfucker your ass any day..."

Jisung shifted and pulled him closer, Minho still muttering expletives under his breath. Guess we knew where Jeongin learned it from.

If Claire could see this, she'd go ballistic...

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