Chapter 36

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Please don't care about me, it's okay

"Maybe we could try poking her? Gently? It worked last time on Jeongin."

"Jisung, how do you poke someone gent—Changbin, put the marker down."

"I'm just going to draw a tiny little mustache—"

"Don't you dare. I don't care if your siblings, Yeji will stop cooking for us for a week if you draw on her face with permanent marker. Do you want to go back to the days of fried chicken and heartburn every night?"


"Good, then put away the marker."

"I'm up, I'm up," I mumbled, prying my eyes open. Four blurry shapes were in front of me; as I blinked the sleep from my eyes, they cleared, becoming Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung and Changbin.

"Hi, Yeji," said Jisung cheerfully.

I yawned. "Hi, Hannie. What's happening?"

"We're doing a dance practice before the evaluation tomorrow," Chan explained. "We'll use the practice room in the maknae dorm."

I fought back another yawn and nodded. "Give me two minutes."

Five minutes later, we were off, though the late departure wasn't entirely my fault; Jisung had forgotten shoes. It was actually impressive that the members had been the ones to get ready and have to wake me up, not the other way around.

In the end, though, it didn't matter whether we were late or not, because half of the maknae dorm was still asleep when we arrived.

"I thought we agreed on ten," Chan said as he helped Minho and me haul Seungmin out of bed.

"We did," said Minho, "But you know we got off late last night ... I wanted to let them sleep in."

Chan frowned at him, holding up Seungmin's arm and letting it drop back onto the mattress. Before us, Seungmin let out a small snore and rolled over, cuddling his Pikachu plushie.

Minho raised his eyebrows at Chan in a way that told me they'd had this argument many times. "Don't act like you wouldn't've done the exact same thing."

"Fine," Chan muttered, grabbing Seungmin's pikachu plushie and handing it over to Minho.

Seungmin flipped him off and wrapped his arms around his pillow instead, still asleep.

"Yah, Kim Seungmin," Minho muttered, poking his shoulder. "Come on, wake up. I stole your Day6 photo albums."

Seungmin grunted.

"And I read your diary."

His eyes opened, and he blinked up at Minho, frowning. "You did not."

Minho looked to Chan and me, his lips twisting upwards. "I got him. Go wake up Innie."

Fortunately, Jisung, Changbin and Hyunjin had already roused Jeongin, and by the time we entered the practice room, everyone was there, though they were all in varying states of readiness.

Seungmin walked in and groaned, covering his eyes. "Jeongin, please put some shoes on. I did not consent to seeing your toe grippers as soon as I woke up this morning."

"If you had woken up earlier, you wouldn't have," Felix pointed out from where he was sitting on the floor, scrolling through TikTok.

"If everyone's ready, we'll start," said Chan, going over to his phone.

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