Chapter 4

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After locking the back door and shutting the blinds, I hurriedly made it to my bedroom. Peeking out the window to see if I could see Jason, I can barely make out his shadow running into the forest.

Sliding down the wall, I bring my knees up to my chest, thumping my head down on my arms, tears falling down my cheeks. I start to sob.

I shouldn't be this weak, I shouldn't let fear retake control.


A while later, I groggily lifted my head, neck hurting, and my back was sore. I looked up towards my window, it's still dark figuring there's still time before school, I heaved out a sigh. I looked over to my bed.

'Fraya, is that you....?' I linked, trying to make communication. I feel nothing, not even a weak presence. What the hell is happening?

Dragging myself up, I push my bed from the corner of the room to the middle. Pulling up the carpet in the corner, digging my hand between the weak floor board and pulled.

Hearing a slight crackling sound, the board came loose, bushing the dirt away from the book, I carefully picked it up.

Holding the book close to my chest, I walked over to my bed. Carefully placing the book down and sitting next to it.

Staring at it, my heart thumped faster. I take a shaken deep breath, hoping this would have some answer.

Brushing my hand over the cover, golden accents scattered across the hard cover. Cursive writing and symbols are scattered. Brown and gold....beautiful.

I traced my fingers across the large font:


Mother's memoir, named after her wolf, passed down to mine.

Opening the dusty cover, I passed through the first few pages, pictures of my friends and family. The pack. My mother and her ancestors some witches some mixed blood.

Brushing my hand down the side of the book, I picked up the brittle paper with handwriting dating 4 years back.

Flipping it over, there was an image of 5, maybe 6 wolves. A large corner of the paper was torn.

In the photo showed Alpha Dean, a large grey wolf, long wired hair scattered, going down his back.

My dad beta Mitchel and his mate, my mother. Both look beautiful, my dad, a mix of dark and light brown, and my mother is a white wolf with hints or orange down her spine.

Then Caleb is a small but confident wolf. Ash grey, looking smugly at the camera, he has always been a playful wolf.

Gentle, loving, and caring. When we go on our runs, he shifts, and we play. He protects me, always have he claims it's a deep but strong instinct.

He loves me like his own sister.

Upon further inspection along the tear was an outline of a paw it's too faded to see colour. It has to be me.

Folding over to the next page was written lines and shapes, witch italics. My mother used to read this to me. It depicted stories of her ancestors. Further in the book, theres spells varying from healing to protection.

The rest are a multitude of other spells like attack spells to more dangerous ones. Even some that can shift a wolf back to human form permanently. Only the most powerful witches can go that far.

The next page of the book is only a few lines of witch italics. although I can't read it, I know it's my mother's writing....

Going further through the book was scattered drawings of forests and wild animals, a large portion of the book is...

Nothing, where's the rest?

Why give me this book, and half of it be blank?

Angrily putting the book back, pressing the floorboard in and tucking the carpet. I left the room slamming the door. Heading to the only place I know will calm me down.

Running for what seemed like ages, dripping in sweat, lungs burning, I hunch over tying to catch my breath. The sun is only just coming up over the forest line across the small pond.

Slowly walking over, I sit on the rocks to my right, tossing pebbles in the water, watching them sink to the bottom of the clear water, leaving ripples from where they hit the surface.

I looked over to the dark green trees watching them sway with the light wind. Watching small birds fly over my head, I fall on my back, hitting my head. I look up to the sky, tears streaking down my face.

Why me? Why have you cursed me with such a life.... 'full of death. Grief. Abuse. Isolation..... Moon Goddess, I know I've been told our lives have a purpose, but what's mine? There's nothing here for me, never-ending questions, and constant running.' Mind linking to absolutely nothing.

I close my eyes, warming up in the sun. After a while, I sit up and start heading home to get ready for school.


Sorry for the late chapter. This is kind of a filler until I finish the following chapter

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