Chapter 17

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"He is," someone interrupted, bursting through the hospital door.

We both turn out heads to a dishevelled Blue, pointing her finger shakenly towards Caleb. I look at him almost in disbelief, my thoughts being confirmed.

I remove my hands from Olivia's hand, looking down at her sleeping face. My mouth sealed, and I grabbed Beta Caleb by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the room. Pulling him away from the exit of the pack house up towards my office.

I push the door open, causing it to slam into the wall. Throwing Caleb into the centre of the room, he trips and makes contact with the floor. My hands bottle into fists, anger coursing through my veins, and he better not have lied to me. He is my Beta, and I put trust into him.

"You have some pretty fucking big explaining to do and fast," I command. Staring down at him, keeping my face blank.

He pushes himself off the floor onto his knees. His breathing is ragged, sweat beading from his head. He cautiously turns his head into my direction before shaking his head no.

I kiss my teeth, taking a step towards him. He pushes himself towards the desk, back banging against it, leaving a thump, the pens on my desk shake whilst some fall onto the floor. His hands come up in defence, shaking his head more.

"I- I swear on h-her life I-I don't know, P-please believe me." He stutters, body shaking more with fear.

I take a steady breath, calming myself down before deciding to take the approach more appropriately. My care for Olivia is clearly affecting my actions and thoughts. I need to take this like an Alpha no an overprotective wild dog.

I reach my hand out, offering him to take it, and he wearily obliges. Pulling him up, I brush him off, avoiding eye contact. I give him a nod, showing that I accept his answer.

"D-do you recon we go to the Oracle, Gran," He cautiously asks, still unsure on how to approach me after the outburst.

"No..." I sigh, rubbing my temple, "Get Blue in here," I continue making my way over to the desk, picking up the pens and reorganising the messy desk before taking a seat.

Thankfully, Blue shortly arrives, looking less dishevelled than before. Caleb made himself comfortable on the sofa to my right against the wall, his head face down in his palms, clearly shaken up from the incident that just occurred.

Blue wearily looks over to Caleb, then back at me, her lips pursed together she bows her head in acknowledgment.

"Where did you get the information about their relations." I ask, still moving the paper on my desk as if nothing happened.

"I went to Olivia's house, I was drawn to it," she explains pointing to her pendant, I really need to learn more about their functions, nodding my head I gesture for her to continue on.

"She has this book, Gran has spoken to you about it. In it contained her family history, hidden under a floorboard in her room." She proceeded.

"Then how come I have no recollection of the bond, or for better words, her being my sister," Beta Caleb interjects.

"Your memory along side with hers has been removed for her protection. Why? I don't know, you're only related by Mitchel," She continued, looking over to Caleb, who appeared to be less distressed than before, just confused.

"Then how come Olivia doesn't know or hasn't told anyone if it's in her book," I ask, putting my full attention into the conversation.

"She can't see what's in the book, it's why Gran is so keen on her wearing the pendant and stop drinking that poison, it is full of witch italics and only certain pages are visible to the naked eye," She continued.

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