Chapter 5

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'Beta, mother report to me.' I linked.

'On our way,' they linked back.

I took a seat, settling behind my oak wood desk that looks across the large room towards the door, I brushed my hands in my hair, pulling it, angrily groaning. Dragging my hands down my face before letting out a frustrated sigh. 

'Mate.' Kylo, my wolf whined.

'It can't be Kylo,' I fussed.

'Mate....' blocking the link, I waited.

It can't be my mate. I know Kylo felt something, but there was no scent. We couldn't feel her wolf or any wolf. She has to be human, her eyes though, it was faint, maybe I'm just seeing things.

Hearing a soft knock, I beckoned them in making sure the door was shut behind.

"What is it, son?" My mother came up beside me with worry on her face.

I never call her to the office unless it's an emergency. I fumbled for words, looking at my beta, back to my mother.

She was the Luna of the pack, but after I killed my father, her mate. I was deemed Alpha. Not just by family structure but if you kill an Alpha you are obliged to take that position regardless, and of course she renounced all rank to her position, I have no hate towards her, nor does she to me. We are happy without him. He deserved it.

"Alpha?" My Beta approached the desk.  steady hands by his side, bowing his head in submission. I continue staring down at my hand hesitating.

"I think I found my mate." I spoke. Keeping my face still. Retaining any emotion, looking at the desk as if It's the most interesting piece of furniture.

"What? Oh my God. Where is she, darling? Can I see her? Is she her-"

"Enough!" I shouted, growling more agitated. Both my mother, Elizabeth, and my Beta Caleb took a small step back.

"I'm sorry, it's just that there's something off..." I paused, looking up to them both. My mother nodded her head in reassurance.

"Kylo said mate when we approached her.... but we couldn't smell a wolf she seems human, but there's something off. She's new, and I feel you know? It's weak..." I paused again, looking at towards them.

"Kylo almost came out at that stupid school because of it, I don't understand. I drove her home she fell asleep in my car, and when I touched her to wake her up, I felt.... This is none of your business." I snapped. Kylo's' feelings are affecting my own.

"What's her name, Alpha?" Beta approached looking puzzled.

"Skye." I stated, staring at him he turned pale but kept his mouth shut.

"Has the patrol or anyone else from the pack reported to you of any rogues?" Mother asked.

"They haven't reported to me. She has to be human. If she isn't, I'd know. I am not having a human as a mate..... this doesn't matter relay this to no one. You can leave."

"Not you, beta." I stared at him angrily, causing him to freeze hearing the door shut. I pointed for him to sit down.

"Yes, Alpha,"

Caleb and I aren't related, but when he came to my territory requesting to speak to me so boldly, I knew he was meant to be of rank. After putting him in the cell and interrogating him for a month, he proved himself and worked through the ranks like everyone else in the pack, causing a bond like a brother. A best friend.

"What do you know about Skye? Is she a wolf? How do you know her." I interrogated.

"Uh...uhm, she... I'm really sorry, Alpha, but for her, uhm, protection, I can't disclose information." Beta Caleb fumbled.

"You will tell me what you know, Beta, or I am unable to trust you as second command." I forced out trying to keep Kylo at bay. Using the Alpha control has its benefits, forcing lower ranks to submit.

"I know her personally...she-"

"Personally?" I questioned.

Although we are close, I can not be weak, especially if it's towards a possible mate. Yes, they can be a weakness for an Alpha, Lunas being used against the pack by the enemies, but it also strengthens the pack.

I trust my beta he proved himself worthy. We are one of the largest known packs. Feared by most with multiple alliances, we have not had a war since I took the Alpha position.

After what my father did attacking smaller packs for greedy power. To then attacking the second largest pack down to nothing, there's few from that pack remaining. Caleb including but we have truced.

"She was a part of the Blue Moon  pack. She was the betas daughter, but as you know, most of the surviving pack members joined our alliances. Her mother was killed. We.... we grew up with each other."

"So she is or isn't human?" My patience is waring thin. Caleb is hesitating, and I don't appreciate the slow answers "Answer me, Beta!"

"She shifted twice, Alpha." He pauses, looking away furrowing his eyebrows, "she hasn't shifted since the attack. I don't know what's happened to her wolf..... We go on runs, but she doesn't shift. She keeps to herself. We played as kids, but she's always been closed off. That's genuinely all I'm allowed and can say." He fumbled.

Kylo is closer than I like his control is powerful. Angry, confused. This is too much and too little information for the both of us.

"Out." I barked.

"Yes, Alpha." I watch the beta leave, listening to him walk away.

All I know is my father went to that pack for a reason. Most assume power, but my mother disagrees, nor has she disclosed that information to me. She deemed it irrelevant.

The next couple of hours, I did heavy research in the library rummaging through the collection of Royal Wolf Pack books, each pack gets a collection, few of them date back centuries ago. Covering battles, ranks, generations of non royal Alphas and their families, deaths, and more.

~ Blue Moon Pack ~

13 known pack members surviving.

Truce update, broken upon an offer during an alliance meeting between Alpha Dean and Previous Alpha of Blood Crescent Pack, Alpha Ryan.

All known relatives to Alpha Dean.

- Slaughtered on site.

Alpha Dean was related to Beta Mitchel.

Betas mate was a known mix breed of witch and wolf. A hybrid.

- Slaughtered on site.

Remainder of Blue Moon Pack,

- Slaughtered on site.


Alpha Dean had a beta brother, and his daughter, as Caleb stated, is "Skye" so either he's lying or she really did go under protection, and the Royals assume she's dead.

To get any form of witch protection, you need permission from Wolf Royals. Only they disperse and mutually own the witches.

There have been known hybrids, wolves having witch blood as well, they're the higher ranking of all Packs.

I need to approach this carefully. If she is under protection and is my mate, and the royals assume she's dead, this can't be good.

I know my father killed for power,  but how far did he want to go to have the majority of her pack slaughtered. Did he know the betas mate was a hybrid, too?

This is ridiculous, too many back and fourths, reading through book after book, and I'm left with more questions than answers.


I wonder how Alpha Jason will deal with this matter.
I his mate really under protection?

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