Chapter 11

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It's three in the morning and I can't sleep. Knowing my mate is in possible danger and at that shit hole of a house, alone and injured, the best I can do is keep my warriors on watch. 

I wish I could just have her with me for ever, protected and loved. 

Her earthy yet flowery scent is still amongst my bed, it's calming yet I crave her presence more so now, than before. 

Being able to make sure she's safe in my arms with her warmth. It was a bitter sweet moment, I'll make it a forever one day.

She starts work at the Café this week so I need to meet Blue before I head to school. For once I'm eager to go, she's going to be there, My Angel.

I get dressed in my usual attire, Black shirt, basic jeans and my boots, My running theme is black, it is rather bland but fitting for who I am. No one but my mate and close family will see my true colours. 

I am the Dangerous Alpha of The Blood Crescent Pack, feared by most and I will keep it that way.

Arriving shortly after 4 am, I climb out of the car and look up towards the café. New plants have been put out the front, unusual to say the least.

 Blue can't keep a plant alive even if her life depended on it, maybe Gran wanted new decorations.

Pushing the door open the small bell above the door rang, there's only a few pack members in the corner drinking their coffee, talking their usual banter about training.

 Blue is across from them, behind the wooden bench, fixated on her phone.

"Morning," I say, as I made my way towards her.

"G-good Morning Alpha!" She exclaims, dropping her phone in the process, "Sorry, I didn't see you come in, what brings the honour of you coming this early?"

"I'm here to talk about Skye," keeping up her alias name is important, I love her real name it's almost a delicacy when spoken.

"Oh yes, of course, do you want to head to the back room? more privacy." She gestures towards the back door leading to the staff room.

I nod in agreement tailing behind her, once inside I make my self comfortable on the couch furthest from the door, following Blue intently as she fumbles to the desk.

The walls are sound proof in here so any Rogues or other Pack member who come in don't over hear conversations. This Café is no mans land. White flag territory. No attacks, No fights. Mutual ground. 

"Are you always this clumsy?" I muse, grinning towards her. She blushes in response and half haphazardly takes a seat.

"I blame Gran! She's just as clumsy as me." she laughed.

"You aren't related though, she just brought you up."

"Alpha it's more monkey see, monkey do. Besides we may as well be related," she exclaims gesturing to her pendant.

Blue is a witch, not an oracle big difference. Everything she has learnt has been from books and Gran. She was found as a pup, an abandoned rogue, and taken under Grans wing.

Most would assume they're related with the similar personality traits they have. They look nothing alike though.

"Mhm," I cross my arms and lean back into the sofa, smiling towards Blue. "Regardless as I was saying Skye is starting today, correct?" She nods in agreement, waiting for me to elaborate.

"I'll cut to the chase, I need you to enrol and be her friend at school and here." I look intently waiting for a response, she furrows her eyebrows before processing what I just said.

"Alpha I can't do that, that seems more like a duty than making an actual friend, if this is because of the Rogue attack then its a bit over board." she blurts in defence.

"The Rogue," I put my hands up in quotation, "You mean her, Father."

Blues mouth drops like a gold fish, blubbering over what to say next, it's definitely a look to say the least but rather unprofessional.

Not that I care too much we grew up together.

"Look," I go on to explain. "There's a lot off with her Father, he's a drunk but for his wolf to attack her whilst Kylo was there makes me believe there's more to the picture." I say, emphasising on my wolf.

"Shit is she okay?" She asks, sudden concern casting down her face.

"Healing very slowly, I'm still trying to figure out the bigger picture here, but Gran has said to 'let the path takes it's course and all will be answered' I have suspicion that Skye is Hybrid, I've seen her wolf but there's not scent or physical presence." 

"So just her eyes?" she pondered.

"Yeah," I exhale, "Look she's my mate but I can't have her a 'human' she was at the packs doctor then my house for two days. She takes this witch drink shit that is supressing her wolf, but it's a complicated potion..... her Mother was a hybrid, anyway it's killing her."

"Killing her, as in her wolf or Skye herself." she stares blankly waiting for my response.

"Both her and her wolf, It's almost none existent, I saw the green transition in her eyes about a week ago but there's nothing since, she's not even healing as fast as a human would." I expand my arms, elaborating how concerned I am, hoping she has some form of an answer.

I can't just straight up say, 'Hey Blue, I'm shit scared my mate will die if I don't follow her tail and bring her to my house and trap her there until she's officially healthy, strong and mine.' sounds a bit obsessive.

Blue stands up walking to the left of me and sits down. Turning her body towards me, she places her hand on my knee.

"I can do my best to learn about the potion, but she needs to see Gran. What ever she knows and what ever she has told you needs to happen. Skye can not lose her wolf. The pack needs a Luna and you need your Mate."

After further conversation, we decided that I need to take Olivia to see Gran. First I need to actually form some sort of bond with her first, that's going to be the difficult part.


Alright, Alright, Alright another chapter done,
Hopefully I don't get writers block again.

 I have a few ideas but lets see where she takes us!

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