Chapter 8

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Laying on the floor, I stare blankly at the roof.  It's cold, hard, and uncomfortable, but why should I care? I already let people get too close. The mix I'm supposed to be taking doesn't seem to be working efficiently, and that stupid book doesn't tell me anything.

Maybe I'm crazy, hearing voices that aren't there. Seeing his eyes change, maybe I'm delusional. This has clearly made me overthink. It's nothing. It has to be nothing.

"Olivia!" The front door slammed shut.

'Of course he's home now. How long has it been since he first left the house? Clearly, not long enough,' I thought, feeling a chill go down my spine. I decided not to completely ignore his presence.

Quickly sitting up, I listen to where he is, the kitchen. Long enough to get my shoes on and run.

Half hazardly, I stand up, brush the invisible dust off my legs, walk to the window forcing it open, the cold morning breeze flowing into the room,

"Fuck it," cursing under my breath, tapping my foot looking back at my door. I chuck myself out the bedroom window, quickly hopping up, wrapping my arms around my waist, I hurridly make my way over to the back fence.

Once successfully over I turn back, the monster, my father is leaning out the window cursing my name.

My heart thumping, I start to run, I don't stop. My lungs are burning, my feet throbbing. 'Further into the forest, The further away from him, the better.' I thought.


(Warning mild graphic rape scene)

Hearing my door creak, I open my eyes. Glancing towards the door I see his figure. I hold my breath hoping he turns around.

"It's you're fault," he slurs, stumbling towards my bed.

Tears start escaping, running down my cheeks, 'not tonight,' I mentally beg.

Feeling his presence press down the side of my bed, I start to tremple, "You look just like your mother...." he sighs.

Gently caressing my head. Trailing his hands down my cheek, past my shoulder sliding to my waist, down to my thighs.

I start shaking more feeling him drag the blanket off me, the cold chill of the room making it worse, his hands pulling at the waist band.

'Shhh don't cry it'll be over soon.'

End of flashback.

My visions blurry but I keep running. Pushing myself harder feeling the shrubbery and sticks scrape accross my arm, dragging along my ankles. I don't care about the pain. I need to forget.

Tripping over a rock, I collapse my knees digging into the ground, hands placed in front of me. I open my eyes looking at the gravel. I choke out a sob, trying to catch my breath.

I sit up wiping my eyes. Trying to look around at my surroundings.

Dark tall trees everywhere, I'm further into the forest than I expected. It's cold, my knees sting but I don't care.

Tears keep streaming down my cheeks. Slowly dragging myself up I look down at the damage, multiple cuts along my arms, blood running down my knees to my ankles.

I slowly trudge further into the forest, listening to animals scuttering away. A faint trickling sound can be heard further ahead, so I follow it.

Coming up to a clearing there's a small river, it's mostly still, aside from the faint splashing from the water running over the rocks. I take a seat next to the river bed. The earth is soft, and the grass is green, it's peaceful. 

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