Chapter 19

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He gaze never faulters from my face, he continued to stare down at me daring me to make a move. I don't say anything.

My heart is in my throat, my gut continuing to turn in knots. I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"Can I help you?" Grace interrupts, clearly seeing the huge shift in demeanour.

She doesn't take his eyes off him, believing confidence is going to win against an Alpha, If only a human could tell the difference.

"Not today, Grace... Olive," He continues, turning his attention back to me, "Meet me outside after you two are finished." And with that, he leaves.

I gulp and look over to Grace, "Help me get home," I whisper. 

I need to pack my belongings and run through the forest like I had planned, If only he didn't get to me at this bloody café things would be so much easier.

How did he even find me? I thought I was safe!

It's been months with no sign of him or other wolves from his pack, There's only one pack here, but they pay no mind to me. 

"He's just a weirdo," Grace dismisses, I stare at her wide-eyed, shaking my head like a mad woman. She eyed me weirdly, slowly catching onto the sheer panic.

"Give me a minute, There's a way out the back alley but you have to go through the staff room, I'll pretend to order some more food, ask if you can go through, to the left of the bin there's a drain, go down there, follow the water you'll end up near our bookstore," She whispers back catching on.

Getting up, she brushes herself off and passes me napkins to clean the spilt coffee and heads to the front counter.

I clean up the mess whilst trying to settle my nerves. I wait patiently for Grace to get back with a thumbs up or something useful.  

"They said the staff bathroom is available to use. They also don't know why the public restrooms aren't working," She spoke loudly from accross the cafe.

I mouth thank you, getting up from the booth and heading to the staff room.

I opened the door and came to a large table with comfy chairs surrounding it. A few lunches were left on the table, and some paperwork was strewn across it. I look over towards the back door, and a staff member is standing there.

He's an old man with a large white beard that almost looks like Santa Clause, but more of a biker vibe.

He makes the best muffins. I'm going to miss him. He always made my day earlier on before I made any friends. Even helped me get the job with Grace.

"Come, come, we have the drain open a little. Stay safe, kiddo." he smiles, patting me on the shoulder before ushering me outside.

I quickly make my way over to the large dumpster. Seeing the circular drain lid half covering the hole, I hurriedly push it open a little wider and climb in descending down the ladder

I hear movement above. I look up eide eyed only to see the server pulling the lid closed. Relief washes over me, realising it wasn't Jason

Carefully descending down the slippery ladder, I land safely on the floor.

I look at the reflection of the water, using the light that's peeking through the holes of the lid from outside, and watch for any movement in the water to follow the direction.

I run.

My hands touch the walls, making sure I'm heading in the right direction, I don't stop until I see faint dots reflecting on the floor ahead and quickly make my way over.

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