Chapter 7 - Dissection

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Your POV

During passing period, Eric and I were walking through the halls talking about stuff. Suddenly, a jock went to us.

"Oh my gosh! These queers are gay like their friends!!" He laughed which pissed us off. But Eric made it worse. "Look at you! You get bitches on the outside but when you're with you male friends you secretly seduce them!!" Eric made up, which caused the jock to laugh.

"Eric, let's just go. It's gonna get worse." I took Eric's hand but he avoided my touch and him and the jock began to fire at each other. I can hear the jock. He's making unrealistic jokes about us banging which disgusted me extremely badly.

I can't take this anymore. I aggressively grabbed Eric but the arm and just ran. We went somewhere distanced from that asshole.

Why do I get along with someone who could be annoying as shit?

Anyways.. "Eric, I know what to do. Something that's better than insulting back." I whispered. Eric giggled. "Pffft!! Yeah right. You're gonna kill him." He whispered, knowing my plan.

*SpongeBob narrator voice*

I stalked the jock who shitted on us to his home. As he gets inside, I took out a bomb, ran to the front door, and placed it then ran away. It has 20 seconds til it explodes. I hid into a bush and waited.

As 20 seconds passed, I watched as the house exploded cold hearted with satisfaction inside. Then I smiled because I love seeing people I hate suffer.

As the explosion stopped, I got out the bush and went in the house since the door was knocked down. Then I saw the jock, dead on the couch. Most of his skin and clothes were burnt. I took his corpse, place it in a bag, and went home.

*SpongeBob narrator voice*
A few hours later..

Elenor wasn't home, she's at a friends house so a dropped her off an hour ago. It is 11pm at night. I'm in my basement, dissecting the jock I killed earlier. Since the bomb killed him, it explained why his insides were pretty much different than usual humans I dissected. The basement door was open but who cares? No one's home anyways. Just me and my cat, C/N.

There were not much organs since I fed most of them to C/N. I love C/N so much that I'm pretty much a bit protective of them. I had a dog who sadly hung himself when I was 15.. What I meant is that he accidentally strangled himself with his collar. it was devastating and I actually cried. On late July, we took a cat because my parents thought that cats were less expensive than dogs, so yeah...

I also invited Eric so he should be there in a few minutes. Til I heard the doorbell. I left the basement and opened the door, revealing Eric.

"Sup?" He smiled, but not in a sweet way. More like in an evil way. "I'm in the middle of doing something." I stated. "So you can either chill in the living room or come with me to the basement."

"Ehh, I'll go to the basement with you." He shrugged. So we went and took the stairs down. We walked to the area where I was dissecting and he sat down on a chair, facing the dissection table.

"Is that the dude who called us queers earlier?" He asked. "Yep." I replied. He smirked.

"Where's the organs?" He asked. "I fed them to C/N." I answered. "Oh." Eric got up and decided to look into the cut opened body. Which it already decomposed.

"Reminds me when I turned my dad into chili." He murmured. "Good for you that you don't show remorse." I replied but of course he doesn't give a fuck.

We went to the backyard with the body and threw it to the ground of tiny rocks. Eric decided to cremate it, so I collected a few twigs and set the remains on fire. I took 2 chairs and we sat, watching and relaxing to the fire. I checked the time on my phone, It is almost midnight.

"I'm tired.." Eric yawned. I turned my head to him. "I'm goin home. See ya tomorrow." He said getting up. Oh shit. Not the cling again. Make it stop. "See ya tomorrow." I responded. He left and drove home.

I took a bucket of water and poured a few drops to the fire. The remains just look like a doll that's been burnt so I'll just continue cremating it later.

I got in my car and drove to Elenor's house to pick her up. Then we went home and Elenor went to sleep while I went back to the backyard to burn the remains until it's all ash.

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