Chapter 21 - Why do I care?

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Your POV

My parents came back home around 4pm, which was later than I expected. At 9pm, I was in my room watching (Y'know what, pick wut ur watching). Then Eric texted me.

Kickass: Um hey my mum won't be here tonight so can we like hang out since there's no school tomorrow lol

You: Sure

Kickass: fuck yeah

Of course his mom won't me home tonight, she's sleeping in some dude's place. Not even surprised.

I turned off the TV, changed, and went downstairs. My dad is just sitting on the couch, watching some boring sports shit. And mom's probably cleaning the kitchen. "Dad, I'm going to Eric's house and I might sleep there tonight." I said. "Okay." Then I left and drove to his house.

I rang his doorbell, he opens the door and lets me in. For hours, we watched crime documents, shoot targets, talking about how it went in the gay bar, and talk about our friends and classmates. He is the one talking about his cold thoughts on them, not me.

He already had dinner before I went to his house and I don't even have to worry about myself. A donut place called Krispy Kreme is still open even though it's 11pm, so we decided to go and buy. We got in my car, drove to Krispy Kreme, and went on the drive thru. There's no car in the drive thru, which is good I guess.

"Welcome to Krispy Kreme what can I get you?" A feminine voice asked. "What do you want?" I asked, turning to Eric. "Just get me three powdered donuts." He shrugged. "Can I get three two powdered donuts?"
"And one (your choice) donut. That's all."

"Okay, three powdered donuts and one (your choice) donut. Correct?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Kay, it will be next window.

So then I drove to the next window, payed with cash and got change and then a few seconds later, we got the box of donuts. While I was driving back, Eric nearly ate one of his powdered donut.

We spent the rest of the night in Eric's room. He ate all 3 of his donuts.. Holy shit. "I'm sleepy so ima go to bed. Goodnight." He yawned and tugged himself to bed. "Goodnight." I didn't really want to eat yet, so I just sat on the floor in front of his bed and texted a few friends. Some of them are still awake and it's 12:30am.

I was texting Kenny. If you're asking how he afforded a phone, he actually didn't. Someone just got him an iPhone for Christmas last year so yeah.

You: So uh how's you and Butters

McWhoreDick: We're doing good he's so fuckin cute 🥺

You: duh

McWhoreDick: What r u doing rn

You: I'm in Cartman's room and he's asleep I'm probably having a sleepover here idk

McWhoreDick: Ooo so ur gonna sleep with him or do the thing


McWhoreDick: LOL

You: Kenny I swear to god I will fucking kill you.

McWhoreDick: Do it but I bet my Buttercup will never forgive you

You: don't care

I few minutes later, I was sleepy. And I realized that I don't have a sleeping bag with me... Well I hope Eric doesn't mind me sleeping next to him but of course we're not cuddling or doing anything gay. Just sleep apart from each other because he hates homosexuality.

But I still have my donut.. Eh I'll just eat it now.

I took my donut and sat next to Eric's sleeping consciousness. I ate like at least half of my donut until Eric started doing something... Weird.

"Oh yes.. Come to papa.. Yummy.." He talked in his sleep, moving to me and tried grabbing me. And he was drooling. What the fuck... WHY AM I BLUSHING???

I had no reaction on the outside but I was sweating due to nervousness. So I took my donut and placed it to Eric's opened sleeping mouth, causing him to stop and smile. Oh jeez.

That was actually weird and very gay. I bit that donut. I should be grossed out to myself, but... Oh shit.

He lie back down to his area and munched on my donut like a child munching their stuffed animal in their sleep. I can't believe I actually done that. I really am gay for that.

Well, who cares now? I'm sleepy so I'm just gonna go to sleep. I lay down, tugged the blanket in, and slept.

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