Chapter 10 - Dance disaster

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Your POV

Today is Valentine's Day... Ah shit, here we go again.

The only thing I'm excited about is my plan with Eric. I sighed and got ready or whatever... Of course Elenor is very excited for Valentine's Day especially that she has a boyfriend or what so ever. She's wearing a Japanese school girl outfit and has a love letter. Yes, she's going to school that way.

I just sighed as I left my house. Halfly today is gonna suck ass.

*SpongeBob narrator voice*

I walked through the halls and there were so much students with love letters, plushies, big hearts with chocolate inside, heart balloons, Victoria's Secret bags with perfume and gifts. Even Jimmy has a heart balloon.

And of course, my gay friends are already hanging out and giving each other gives. I'm basically the only dude who isn't Valentine-ish.

As I got to first period, the first thing I saw when I walked in was Butters giving Kenny a stuffed Bunny since Kenny couldn't afford anything since he's poor.

"Thank you my precious buttercup." He smiled and kissed Butters on the lips, passionately. I looked away because I feel sick to my stomach seeing people kiss. Just... ew. I do respect their relationship, I just don't like seeing people miss Y'know. ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS FUCKING PASSIONATE.

I sat on my desk and just put my head down, listening to (your fav music artist) with earphones on.

And yeah... basically for the whole school day, no one gave me anything. And I gave no one anything. Just like my average Valentine's Day shit. I fucking hate this holiday it's so boring.

Finally.. School was over and the dance is at 8pm. So Eric and I are just gonna spend time with each other before we do the plan.

Eric and I went to his house after I drop my backpack at home. One of the things we do together is shoot targets at his backyard with real shotguns when his mom's at work. Eric told me that she's a sex worker.

I loaded my gun and shot the shooting target which I made it. Right in the middle. Shooting targets is one of my talents but I don't usually communicate about it with other people. Unless it's Eric and if he brings up that topic, of course.

Eric walks up to me with an evil smile.

Cartman POV

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked Y/N. He looked at me with his expressionless face but obviously having fun inside because that's the way he is. "You know you take that as a yes." He answered.

He's pretty sweet like that to be honest...

NO NO NO WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY!!!! I don't like him and I'm not gay. I am 100% straight now all you shippers can FUCK OFF.

.....or uhm

Your POV

At 7 is when I went home to get ready for the dance. Eric told me that he isn't going to be inside the gym so he can do his job outside. Y'know, replacing the water with all the animal blood we collected so it can rain blood in the gym and scare everyone.

"What should I wear?" I asked myself as I looked into my closet. Of course I'm not wearing the suit I'm gonna wear for the gay bar, I'm saving it so it stays clean. I don't care if I can wash it.

Ahh, fuck it. I'll just different clothes than what I've worn at school today.

But.. I kinda want to look at least a little perfect. So I went to my parent's room to their bathroom and opened the drawer to get my mom's eyeliner. And yeah. I put it on and returned it back.

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