Chapter 17 - Talk with Bebe

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Your POV

It's been around a day or two since I started liking Eric. Our friendship is still doing good. By the way, it's obvious to know that I'm his Bonnie to his Clyde.

School is done today and some kids left school while some of us decided to stay to hang out or something like that. I'm at the library, sitting down and reading a book. The fact that I was the only person in this library is pretty peaceful.

But then suddenly, I heard footsteps walk up to me. "Hey Y/N." I heard a voice. I took my eyes off the book and look up to see Bebe. Her arms were crossed but her face was more normal and a little cheery than serious.

"Oh uhm, hi Bebe." I greeted. She sat next to me. "Can I talk to you about something?" She asked. "Sure. What's it about?" I asked. "Cartman." My heart stopped but then I could easily control myself.

"Okay.. what about him?" I asked. It took a few seconds for her to continue. "I've seen you with him a lot and it really looks like you're the only person who can get along with him." She says. "Yeah.. I don't know why he's nicer to me unlike anyone else." I shrugged.

"I honestly think you like him." She pointed out. Oh shit. No... no no no Stan didn't tell her right? She's just assuming... I can't let her find that out!!

"No I don't, why are you joking around like that?" I asked, remaining calm. "I can see it in your eyes. You have feelings for him and it looks like you're being brainwashed by him." She exposed. "He hates gays.. How is it possible for me to like him or something?"

"Well, in his eyes it looks like he's using you. And it's not just me. Many of us think you two are getting close." Bebe shrugged. I was kinda scared inside. "I don't love him Bebe. We're just friends and I don't date obnoxious people like him. Just, ew." I lied, trying to get away with that weird shit.

"Uh-huh. If he's mean or toxic then why do you still care for him? I saw yesterday that Tweek kicked his crotch and you carried him to the nurses office."

"That's what friends do.." I gulped. "I'm not only here to tell you that you guys look like a couple, I want to warn you about something too." She added. I just looked at her.

"Trust me Y/N. Cartman won't be your type. He's gross, deadbeat, and you'll end up like Heidi." She explained. "Please believe me. If you don't, then you obviously have Stockholm syndrome."

"Ok, thanks for telling me that. But... again we don't like each other." I repeated which I had to say it all over again since Bebe doesn't believe me at all.

"Say whatever you want, but you're not gonna have a happy ending with him. Trust me." She scoffed. Then got off the seat and stopped by the door.

"Oh, and if you don't listen to my advice and get your unlucky ending then it's not our fault." Then she left.

Jeez... How the hell does she know that I have feelings for Eric? No, I don't have Stockholm syndrome. She's just assuming because she hates Eric that she thinks he'll end up manipulating me. But that's not true. He manipulated Heidi and Butters and he wasn't nice to them in the middle... right? He literally treats me better than them.

Of course Stan didn't tell Bebe that. He literally promised to keep that dark secret of mine. I'm so scared... if more people find this out, I'll be legit dead.

I sighed, closed the book, and placed it back were it belongs and left the library.

Cartman POV

Ahh yes. Another fight with Kahl today and his little boyfriend defending him from me. AHAHAHAHA SUCH FAGS!! 💀

I saw Y/N walk pass me. I wanted to do things with him after school because I feel like, so I ran to him. "Hey Y/N!" I smirked. He stopped and looked at me.

"Hi Eric." He said looking down at me. "Can we hang out after school pleeeaaaase?" I begged with puppy eyes. "Sure." He responded. "YAY!"

Y/N texted his parents that he's going with me and dropping his backpack at home.

*SpongeBob narrator voice*
A few moments later...

I just, Y'know. Singing along to In the Ghetto by Elvis Presley with my beautiful and slay voice til I heard the doorbell. Which is obviously Y/N.

I ran downstairs and opened the door. "Sup bitch?" I greeted and let him in. I shut the door behind. "What do you feel like doing today?" He asked. I smiled. "We're having fun now get in my god damn car and drive."

Narrator POV

For the rest of the day, you guys bought donuts, played violent video games, smoke in his backyard talking about other people from your school, and prank call people. To you, it felt like a date somehow.

Around 11pm at night is when you went home.

Your POV

It was a pretty good day with Eric. As I got home, my mom was looking at me with her arms crossed. "What were you doing with Eric?" She asked. "Y'know, hanging out." I shrugged, not being too serious.

I went to my room, took a shower, changed, and I wasn't sleepy yet. And I'm possibly going to do Eric's plan for me tomorrow, the gay bar thing.

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