Chapter 8 - Sleepover

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Your POV

Saturday night. We were at Kyle's house for sleepover since his parents won't be here tonight nor in the morning. It's 12am right but we're still up and not tired at all. To be honest here, Kyle's 7 year old younger brother Ike is really cute. Awww. It makes me a little jealous that he gets along with his younger sibling.

The boys and 2 girls (Bebe and Wendy) were gathered around doing karaoke while I was in the corner, reading a magazine.

To be honest here, their voices aren't really bad. I don't know why some of them say that they're bad at singing. But Eric's voice was a voice of a god. He covered Pokerface by lady Gaga. And that's what I call, a masterpiece.

"Y/N can you do a song for us?" Kyle called and everyone turned to me. I took my eyes off the magazine. "Why?" I questioned. "I dunno your just really good." He shrugged. "Fine."

I walked to them and decided quickly what song I'm doing. Well.. I've done many metal songs that have screaming, growling, and shouting In them.. Soooo...

I picked prosthetics by Slipknot. Which sadly no one knows that song. Except Ike..

"Yeah! Pick that one! I love that song!" Ike pointed at the suggestion I selected. "You know that song?" Kyle asked. "Mhm!"

"Here goes nothing." I said to myself. Eric also seems pretty excited of about to hear me sing besides Ike. Which is good.

As I finished the song, I gently put the mic down and took a few deep breaths due to all the crazy screaming shit I've done. Eric ran to me and gave me a harsh pat on the shoulder. "The only singer i like out of everyone in this house!" He smiled. Why the fuck is he cute that way?

Some of them were fascinated while some just stared at me. "Do another song I love your voice!!" Ike requested. Kyle looked at Ike with a surprised expression. "You like that?" He asked. "Of course." Ike replied.

So I selected another song.

(You choose your next song cuz why not)

I never expected people to like my singing voice. But I honestly think Eric is a better singer than me. It makes me smile.

*SpongeBob narrator voice*

It was finally time to go to bed. Everyone and I brought our sleeping bags except Eric and Stan. Stan is sleeping with Kyle in Kyle's room and Eric's sleeping on the couch. We're all sleeping in our sleeping bags in the living room anyways.

Fine I'll be honest. Almost everyone doesn't have a sleeping bag to themselves. Eric and I are the only single visitors so we're just sleeping with ourselves. No, not with each other. Everyone else is sleeping with their partner in one sleeping bag.

Welp.. goodnight. Sweet dreams, I guess...

Narrator POV

Everyone fell asleep. The only ones secretly awake is Kenny and Craig. As their boyfriends fell asleep, they carefully crawled out trying not to wake them up.

All because they want to pull a prank on you and Cartman for sure.

Craig took out his phone and went on flashlight mode and pointed it at you sleeping. Kenny went to you and carefully and I mean carefully picked you up. For some logic reason, it didn't wake you up. You carries you to the couch Cartman is sleeping on and placed you on top of him.

He puts your limbs around each other so it looks like you two are sleeping together and hugging. Mission is done.

"Finished." Kenny whispered, smiling. "Ok let's wait til it's morning."

Craig finally turns off flashlight mode and both of them went back to their sleeping bags and hug their sleeping partners.

*SpongeBob narrator voice*
The next morning...

You and Cartman were the last ones to wake up. As everyone woke up, they all noticed you both sleeping together. Most of them were giggling since they knew that you and Cartman would be together very soon.

Cartman slowly lifts up his eyelids and yawns. He was chill until he noticed you tangled on him asleep and everyone was looking.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed as he pushed you off the couch, causing you to immediately wake up. Not only that, he was also blushing. A bit.

"WHAT THE HELL?? WHY WERE YOU SLEEPING ON ME!!" He freaked out. "I wasn't. I literally don't remember that I slept on the couch." You shrugged.

You got off the floor. You don't remember sleepwalking into the couch and cuddling with Cartman at all.

Toxic (Cartman x male reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora