Chapter 1: Prologue

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Author's Note: Welcome and thank you to everyone who came from my previous book, "The Rivalry", which this book is a spin-off to. To everyone who haven't read that book yet, if it interest you, please go read that book before reading this. But if you don't want to, this chapter will kind of serve as a recap on what happened to Daerin's relationship, so you don't have to read the previous book first if you don't want to. Anyways, please enjoy the story!

After manipulating Danielle's feelings to get closer to Minji, Haerin and Danielle are no longer friends.

Seeing Haerin crying outside in the rain, Danielle can't help but ask Haerin, "Are you okay?"

"Min...Minji... She chose Hanni," Haerin said.

Hearing this, Danielle comforted her on the way home.

"But...  don't you hate me?" Haerin stuttered and asked Danielle.

Danielle looked at Haerin, then adverted her gaze, ignoring her question. It was true that she hated Haerin for what she did to her, but seeing Haerin cry make her heart-break. Haerin and Danielle walked home together silently, reminiscing of the time they used to do this, but as friends. They knew they had to mend their relationship, they just didn't know how to start.

Haerin apologised at the doorstep where she and Minji had their first kiss. Danielle just nodded and walked away, acknowledging the apology.

Haerin knew that she was in the wrong and started to feel guilty, thinking of the things Danielle did for her,  and the little amount of things she did for Danielle as she fell asleep.

Suddenly, the doorbell rung, as Haerin opened the door, Danielle buried her lips on Haerin's. This was interrupted by Haerin jumping up in her bed, it was just a dream. But she can't help but to think of the kiss, it felt so real, was she developing a crush on Danielle?

Haerin, the next day, went up to Danielle, "Thank you about yesterday."

Danielle glanced at Haerin, maintaining a frown, it was heart-breaking to see the once optimistic girl turn pessimistic, her usual smile and sunshine personality replaced with a heart-breaking scowl and a depressed persona.

"Don't mention it," She said, before walking away.

"Hey," Haerin said as she grabbed Danielle's shoulders, with Danielle's back still facing her, unable to face her ex-best friend who used her. "Is there any way I can make it up for everything I did to you, I'm sorry Danielle, I really am."

Danielle shook her head, "No Haerin."

"Surely you still have some feelings for me."  Haerin teased, trying to get a reaction out of Danielle that is not anger.

After hearing that, the corner of her eyes twitched as part of Danielle's spark came back for a second, before the spark faded away again.Did she still have feelings for her? Danielle thought to herself. "Shut up Haerin, that was a long time ago, long before you manipulated me into being your puppet to get closer to Kim Minji over there. Why? You decided to come back to me after she chose Hanni?"

"I...I" That was the only word Haerin could mutter. Was she really having feelings for Danielle, or was she just a second option to Minji? "Maybe I'm just feeling guilty, it'll surely die down," she whispered underneath her breath, hoping that her infactuation with her best-friend would disappear by the day.

Ever since Danielle got heart-broken that day, she wasn't the same girl she used to be anymore, she became a bit scary, a bit like a bully. She made fun of everyone the second they embarrass themself, although no one wanted to be her friend anymore, her sadistic personality made her popular, and combined with her looks, some could argue that the new Danielle is even more popular amongst the student body compared to Minji and Hanni, the campus' crushes.

On the way to class, Haerin accidentally dropped her books and fell to the floor. Danielle was behind her, she yelped in shocked as  her reflexes immediately went to Haerin's side to help her, but images of Haerin manipulating her flashed in her mind again.

"Sorry Danielle," was the only words Haerin could say before confirming her suspicion that she was only there for Minji before she rushed herself out of the ice skating ring and go back home. Where she cried for countless hours and countless days, without eating and drinking, locking herself in her room. Even her parents had to slide food under the door just to keep her from starving.

Danielle seemed to snap back to reality before stepping on Haerin's hands while she was picking up her books with her high heels, making Haerin scream in pain and agony. Danielle flinched at hearing Haerin's scream but chuckled in front of her, "Honey, maybe you should be more careful next time."

Haerin stared in shock, what has Danielle became? This was not the Danielle she's fallen for, was she?

Author's Note: If you guys like this story you can go check out the 1st book, the Rivalry to catch up on the story. But if you continue to read this book it'll still make sense because this chapter is serve as a foundation and a recap. Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the chapters!

Please vote for every chapter as it would really help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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