Chapter 3: Danielle's girlfriend

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Not too long ago, Danielle confessed to her girlfriend, her cat-like eyes reminded her of Haerin. She knew dating her wasn't right, she just wanted to find comfort in Haerin, but if she reminded her so much of her ex-crush, she knew that maybe someday, if they dated long enough, her girlfriend would overshadow her deep infactuation for Haerin.

"Hey, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Danielle asked, a little pint of sadness lingered in the corner of Danielle eyes, but not enough for her "crush" to find out.

"Of course Danielle! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask me!" The girl replied, jumping in joy while hugging Danielle.

"You could've just asked yourself," teased Danielle with a smirk.

The girl went to hold Danielle hands, upon her touch, Danielle didn't feel anything, it was true she was just Haerin's replacement, nothing more. Danielle looked at Haerin for a moment, but she was walking away, disappointed not to be able to make her ex-crush jealous, Danielle looked down and sighed.

At night, Haerin created a new account and texted Danielle: So you have a new girlfriend now?

Danielle saw the text and texted back: Who's this?

Haerin replied: Haerin.

Danielle smiled, she realised Haerin noticed her new girlfriend: I told you not to text me anymore Kitty Kang.

Haerin saw Danielle still calls her by her nickname, surely she still has feelings for her right?: So is she? She text while clenching her jaw in jealousy.

No reply.

Haerin double-texted: I like you Danielle Marsh, I actually do.

Danielle couldn't believe her eyes, Kang Haerin, the one she's been crying over, finally reciprocated her feelings? But what if she hurt her again? Danielle wasn't going to give in so easily: You? Like me? Haerin, after you broke me like that, we're never going to work out. Even if we were the last 2 people on Earth, I wouldn't even talk to you.

Haerin felt her eyes start to water seeing the text, as her body started shake as tears scattered down her cheeks. "Why Danielle..." she said in her room.

Danielle saw that Haerin seen her message but wasn't replying, she was getting worried. Should I text her again? She thought. She can feel something wasn't right. But maybe this was one of Haerin's mind games, she told herself as she put down her phone.

That night, Haerin decided that if Danielle was going to hate her, that she had every right to do so. Afterall, if the same thing happened to Haerin, she wasn't going to forgive Danielle for it either. She cried herself to sleep that night.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed. She took her phone and saw Danielle texting her again. What did she wanted to talk about?

Haerin, it wrote, please forgive me for how I acted just now. Let's get together. Haerin's sad cat-eyes suddenly lit up in joy as she heard the doorbell ring. She approached the door as she realised something was amiss.

She opened the door as she saw Danielle there, same place as the dream she had prior, as Danielle placed her lips on Haerin's, before Haerin deepening the kiss. Was this real? Did Danielle really showed up at her doorstep to kiss her?

Haerin suddenly was pushed back in reality as if she got kicked and woke up on the same bed, tears stain still visible on the sheets. She was having the same dream again... Was she really that crazy for Danielle?

Author's Note: I changed Yeji's name back to just "the girl" so you can imagine yourself in it :) But the character is based around Yeji, that's why she had cat-like features, I just didn't like including other group's member in a newjeans' story.

Please vote for every chapter if you like it as that would really help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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