Chapter 7: Ghosted

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At 3 p.m., Danielle waited at the cafe for Haerin. She was sure Haerin wasn't the type of girl to ghost people, was she?

Danielle's girlfriend arrived in front of her.

"Why are you here?" Danielle asked.

"We're breaking up, I know you know," She replied.

"Well, just know that I'm going to tell Haerin about it," Danielle retorted with a smirk.

"Oh, and you think Haerin will believe you? Believe a girl who she broke her friendship with because you kept pursuing her while she was interested in another girl, over a guy whom she's on a date with right now? Think again Danielle, " The girl said.

"I'm sure she will," Danielle answered half-heartedly, she was unsure that after the bullying she had done to Haerin, would Haerin still believe anything she said.

The next day, Danielle arrived in school.

"Hey Haerin!" Danielle said, waving her hands around frantically. "I thought I told you to meet me yesterday?"

"What do you have to say, Danielle?" She said, with an annoyed tone.

"The guy," Danielle said, pointing at the person behind Haerin discreetly, trying not to aroused his suspicion, "he's not who you think he is."

"What do you mean, Danielle?" She asked, with a slightly more curious tone.

"Do  you remember the girl I was with at the concert?" Danielle said.

Haerin crossed her arms, as pictures of Danielle and her girlfriend flooded her head. She rolled her eyes and asked, "What about her? Are you going to tell me how much you love her? And that she was a better replacement than me? I saw the way  you look at her Danielle, it was the exact same way you looked at me last time? Do you see myself in her? What's so good about her anyways!" Haerin was fuming, but not with anger, with jealousy she knew she shouldn't felt. She had a boyfriend, and he was right behind her, but somehow, talking to Danielle always trigger a response from her heart, she wanted to push her away, but her heart didn't want her to.

Danielle put her arms around her waist as she heard Haerin ask if she saw her in her ex-girlfriend, it was true that she used her ex to replace her feelings for Haerin. Everything reminded her of Haerin, the eyes, the shy personality, that is, until she revealed her true colours. 

"Listen... Haerin," Danielle tried to persuade Haerin and put her hand on her shoulder before Haerin adruptly slap Danielle hand away and scolded, "Danielle, after I confessed to you, what makes you think that you have the right to reject me, and then tell me who I should or shouldn't date? I know I was wrong for manipulating your feelings, but I've already apologised haven't I? Now you come here and accused my boyfriend of something he clearly haven't done  just to ruin my love life again. Maybe if you haven't been interested in me, Minji would've actually chose me!" She blurted out before covering her mouth.

After hearing Haerin's true feelings, Danielle felt her eyes start to swell up as tears formed and started to roll down her cheeks like raindrops on a window. Her body started shivering as she looked down and walked away. 

At night, Danielle cried herself to sleep again. In her mind, she didn't deserve this treatment, she was simply trying to save her friend from a possible heart-break. After wiping her tears, she stared at the tissue, she realised she had cried for Haerin again. She sweared she would never let Haerin control her feelings, but here she is, crying about her all over again. Finally, she decided, if Haerin was to hate her so much right now, she would be the villain in her story, she would give her the satisfaction and the gratution that she was right, and that Danielle Marsh, was a bully.

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